android - how to send Data to a BLE server -

i able connect ble device following ,but unable find how send data ? callback implementation follows :-

private final bluetoothgattcallback gattcallback = new       bluetoothgattcallback() {                 @override                 public void onconnectionstatechange(bluetoothgatt gatt, int status, int newstate)                 {                       switch (newstate) {                         case bluetoothprofile.state_connected:                              gatt.discoverservices();                             break;                         case bluetoothprofile.state_disconnected:                              break;                         default:                             system.out.println("device 3: other_state !!");                     }                  }                  @override                 public void onservicesdiscovered(bluetoothgatt gatt, int status)                 {                     list<bluetoothgattservice> services = gatt.getservices();                      gatt.readcharacteristic(services.get(1).getcharacteristics().get                             (0));                 }                  @override                 public void oncharacteristicread(bluetoothgatt gatt, bluetoothgattcharacteristic characteristic, int status)                 {                     system.out.println("oncharacteristicread"+characteristic.tostring());                     if (status == bluetoothgatt.gatt_success)                     {                         broadcastupdate(action_data_available, characteristic);                      }                   }                 @override                 public void oncharacteristicchanged(bluetoothgatt gatt, final bluetoothgattcharacteristic characteristic) {                     //read characteristic data                     byte[] data = characteristic.getvalue();                  }             }; 

oncharacteristicread function not executing. send data have call mgatt.writecharacteristic(my_characteristic); unable understand how initialize my_characteristic object ?


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