javascript - Making directory with ANT build.xml throws error creation wasn't successful for unknown reason -

i'm trying create directory lastmodified timestamp of file,but while creating directory timestamp throws error,

<macrodef name="getfiletimes">     <attribute name="dir" />     <attribute name="file" />     <attribute name="setprop" default="@{file}_ctime" />     <sequential>       <exec executable="cmd" dir="@{dir}" outputproperty="@{setprop}">         <arg value="/c" />         <arg line="dir @{file} |find ' @{file}'" />       </exec>       <script language="javascript">         tmp = project.getproperty("@{setprop}").split(" ");         project.setproperty("@{setprop}", tmp[0]+"_"+tmp[2]) ;    </script>     </sequential>   </macrodef>    <getfiletimes dir="${results.dir}" file="log.log" />                <echo>               $${filemodified_ctime} => ${log.log_ctime}               </echo>  <mkdir dir="${basedir}/reports/${log.log_ctime}"/>  error: creation wasn't successful unknown reason 

but instead of ${log.log_ctime} if use ${timestamp} able create folder current timestamp, need folder created time captured.


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