Hibernate Criteria query for inheritance type joined not working -

i have 3 classes following table per class strategy

@entity @table(name="parentclass") @inheritance(strategy=inheritancetype.joined)  public class parentobject {  @id  @generatedvalue(strategy=generationtype.identity)  @access(javax.persistence.accesstype.property)  protected int primary_key;   @manytomany(fetch=fetchtype.lazy, cascade=cascadetype.all)  @jointable(name="share_with_user", joincolumns={@joincolumn(name="primary_key")} , inversejoincolumns={@joincolumn(name="userseqid")})   @notfound(action=notfoundaction.ignore)  private set<user> sharedwithuser; }  @entity   @table public class user  {     @id     @generatedvalue(strategy=generationtype.identity)     private int userseqid;  -- other fields -- }  @entity   @indexed @table(name="childclass") @primarykeyjoincolumn(name="primary_key") public class childobject extends parentobject { -- other fields -- } 

now want retrieve childobject based on sharedwithuser containing userseqid

i tried writing criteria query looks this

criteria c = s.createcriteria(childobject.class); c.createalias("sharedwithuser", "share_user"); c.add(restrictions.eq("share_user.userseqid" , userid)) list<childobject> list = (list<childobject>) c.list(); 

i tried writing criteria query using alias

criteria c = s.createcriteria(childobject.class, "x"); c.createalias("x.sharedwithuser", "share_user"); c.add(restrictions.eq("share_user.userseqid" , userid)) list<childobject> list = (list<childobject>) c.list(); 

but result [] both cases

if move private set<user> sharedwithuser; parentobject childobject query works expected. question doing wrong. why not working if keep set of user entity in parent class since due inheritance can access it. appreciate.


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