excel - Look in separate folders then specify message details on attached file location -
i have code picks recent pdf out of folder , send specfied email address (courtesy of user answered previous post).
it working individual folders , various email specs i'd folder , have different message specifications if file found in other folder.
my code @ moment re-runs process , looks in other folder (this hasn't worked due on complication , confusing variables). know lot of cry looking @ attempt i've made scrappy, clunky poor quality - @ moment sends files processed first message spec, , last 1 processed again second message specification.
option explicit sub sendfiles() dim objoutlook object dim fso object dim strfile string dim fsofile dim fsofldr dim dtnew date, snew string dim newoutlookinstance boolean set fso = createobject("scripting.filesystemobject") if getoutlook(objoutlook, newoutlookinstance) strfile = "c:\temp\" 'path folder set fsofldr = fso.getfolder(strfile) dtnew = now() - timevalue("00:00:30") '30 seconds ago each fsofile in fsofldr.files if fsofile.datecreated > dtnew snew = fsofile.path objoutlook.createitem(olmailitem) .to = "email@address.com" .subject = "example" .bodyformat = olformatplain .attachments.add snew .importance = olimportancehigh .send end end if next if newoutlookinstance objoutlook.quit '<--| quit outlook if running instance of hasn't been found set objoutlook = nothing else msgbox "sorry: couldn't valid outlook instance running" end if dim obj object dim usdfile string dim afile dim afldr dim dnew date, tnew string dim newinstance boolean set fso = createobject("scripting.filesystemobject") if getoutlook(obj, newinstance) usdfile = "h:\supply chain - jan17\depannage & kanban requests (ab- tg)\unsatisfied depannage\" set afldr = fso.getfolder(usdfile) dnew = now() - timevalue("00:00:30") each afile in afldr.files if afile.datecreated > dnew tnew = afile.path obj.createitem(olmailitem) .to = "email.address2@gmail.com" .subject = "kanban request - limited stock" .bodyformat = olformatplain .attachments.add snew .importance = olimportancehigh .send end end if next if newinstance obj.quit set obj = nothing else msgbox "sorry: couldn't valid outlook instance running" end if end sub function getoutlook(objoutlook object, newoutlookinstance boolean) boolean set objoutlook = getobject(, "outlook.application") if objoutlook nothing set objoutlook = new outlook.application newoutlookinstance = true end if getoutlook = not objoutlook nothing end function
you refactor code , generate helper sub
demand task search passed folder , send emails passed address passed subject:
sub sendfilesfromfolder(objoutlook object, fso object, fldrname string, emailaddress string, subject string, dtnew date) dim fsofile file each fsofile in fso.getfolder(fldrname).files if fsofile.datecreated > dtnew objoutlook.createitem(olmailitem) .to = emailaddress .subject = subject .bodyformat = olformatplain .attachments.add fsofile.path .importance = olimportancehigh .send end end if next end sub
correspondingly, "main" code become:
sub sendfiles() dim objoutlook object dim fso object dim dtnew date dim newoutlookinstance boolean if getoutlook(objoutlook, newoutlookinstance) set fso = createobject("scripting.filesystemobject") dtnew = now() - timevalue("00:00:30") '30 seconds ago sendfilesfromfolder objoutlook, _ fso, _ "c:\temp\", _ "email@address.com", _ "example", _ dtnew sendfilesfromfolder objoutlook, _ fso, _ "h:\supply chain - jan17\depannage & kanban requests (ab- tg)\unsatisfied depannage\", _ "email.address2@gmail.com", _ "kanban request - limited stock", _ dtnew if newoutlookinstance objoutlook.quit '<--| quit outlook if running instance of hasn't been found set objoutlook = nothing set fso = nothing else msgbox "sorry: couldn't valid outlook instance running" end if end sub
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