java - Hibernate reloading entities in a fetch join -

i having problem hibernate reloading entities in query though being fetched part of main query.

the entities follows (simplified)

class data {     @id     string guid;      @manytoone(fetch = fetchtype.lazy)     @notfound(action = notfoundaction.ignore)     datacontents contents;  }  class dataclosure {     @id     @manytoone(fetch = fetchtype.eager)     @fetch(fetchmode.join)     @joincolumn(name = "ancestor_id", nullable = false)     private data ancestor;      @id     @manytoone(fetch = fetchtype.eager)     @fetch(fetchmode.join)     @joincolumn(name = "descendant_id", nullable = false)     private data descendant;      private int length; } 

this modelling closure table of parent / child relationships.

i have set criteria follows

    final criteria criteria = getsession()             .createcriteria(dataclosure.class, "dc");     criteria.createalias("dc", "a");     criteria.createalias("dc.descendant", "d");     criteria.setfetchmode("a", fetchmode.join);     criteria.setfetchmode("d", fetchmode.join);     criteria.add(restrictions.eq("d.metadataguid",guidparameter));     criteria.add("a.metadataguid",guidparameter)); 

this results in following sql query

select     this_.descendant_id descenda2_21_2_,     this_.ancestor_id ancestor3_21_2_,     this_.length length1_21_2_,     d2_.guid metadata1_20_0_, name5_20_0_,     a1_.guid metadata1_20_1_, name6_20_1_     data_closure this_  inner join     data d2_          on this_.descendant_id=d2_.metadata_guid  inner join     data a1_          on this_.ancestor_id=a1_.metadata_guid      d2_.guid=?      , a1_.guid<>? 

which looks correctly implementing join fetch. when execute

    list list = criteria.list(); 

i see 1 of these entries in sql log per row in result set

result set row: 0 debug loader  - loading entity: [data#testguid19] debug sql  -  select     data0_.guid guid1_20_0_,     data0_.title title5_20_0_,     data data0_      data0_.guid=? hibernate:     (omitted) debug loader  - result set row: 0 debug loader  - result row: entitykey[data#testguid19] debug twophaseload  - resolving associations [data#testguid19] debug loader  - loading entity: [datacontents#7f1134f890a446bbb47f3eb64c1cf668] debug sql  -  select     datacontents0_.guid guid_12_0_,     datacontents0_.isocreationdate isocreat2_12_0_,     datacontents datacontents0_      datacontents0_.guid=? hibernate:      (omitted) 

it looks though datacontents marked lazily loaded, it's being loaded eagerly.

so either want way in query fetch join dataclosure , data , lazily fetch datacontents, or fetch join datacontents if not possible.


modelling closure table this

class dataclosure {     @id     @column(name = "ancestor_id", nullable = false, length =36 )     private string ancestorid;      @id     @column(name = "descendant_id", nullable = false, length =36 )     private string descendantid;      @manytoone(fetch = fetchtype.eager)     @fetch(fetchmode.join)     @joincolumn(name = "ancestor_id", nullable = false)     private data ancestor;      @manytoone(fetch = fetchtype.eager)     @fetch(fetchmode.join)     @joincolumn(name = "descendant_id", nullable = false)     private data descendant;      private int length; } 

fixed problem. in other words, having @id annotation on entities other tables seemed cause issue, though there nothing wrong queries generated.

i think problem here might this

@notfound(action = notfoundaction.ignore) 

there plenty of google results using causes lazy loading become eager. think bug in hibernate.

adding list of annotations should fix problem


since informs hibernate not try use property later on no proxy required.


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