Add Service in Custom HTTP service Angular 2 -
i using http interceptor extending http service. needed catch request , fire logout event if user token expired.
the logout service defined in authservice uses http service.
whenever try create instance of authservice , access functions, return undefined.
is there missing?
import { injectable, ondestroy } "@angular/core"; import { router } '@angular/router'; import { connectionbackend, requestoptions, request, requestoptionsargs, response, http, headers} "@angular/http"; import { observable } "rxjs/rx"; import { environment } "../environments/environment"; import { authservice } './services/auth.service'; import { sharedservice } './services/shared.service'; import { loaderservice } './factory/loader.service'; import 'rxjs/add/operator/map'; @injectable() export class interceptedhttp extends http { private _router: router; private _auth: authservice; constructor(backend: connectionbackend, defaultoptions: requestoptions, private loaderservice: loaderservice) { super(backend, defaultoptions); } request(url: string | request, options?: requestoptionsargs): observable<response> { return super.request(url, options); } get(url: string, options?: requestoptionsargs): observable<response> { this.showloader(); url = this.updateurl(url); return super.get(url, this.getrequestoptionargs(options)) .do((res:response) => { console.log(res.json()); let data = res.json(); if(!data.status && (data.message == "token has expired" || data.message == "token invalid")){ this._auth.logout(); } /*else if(!data.status && data.message == "some error has occured") { }*/ }) .finally(() => { this.onend(); }); } post(url: string, body: string, options?: requestoptionsargs): observable<response> { this.showloader(); url = this.updateurl(url); return, body, this.getrequestoptionargs(options)) .do((res:response) => { console.log(res.json()); let data = res.json(); if(!data.status && (data.message == "token has expired" || data.message == "token invalid")){ console.log('logged out while request'); this._auth.logout(); } /*else if(!data.status && data.message == "some error has occured") { }*/ }) .finally(() => { this.onend(); }); } put(url: string, body: string, options?: requestoptionsargs): observable<response> { url = this.updateurl(url); return super.put(url, body, this.getrequestoptionargs(options)); } delete(url: string, options?: requestoptionsargs): observable<response> { url = this.updateurl(url); return super.delete(url, this.getrequestoptionargs(options)); } private updateurl(req: string) { return environment.api_url + req; } private getrequestoptionargs(options?: requestoptionsargs) : requestoptionsargs { if (options == null) { options = new requestoptions(); } if (options.headers == null) { options.headers = new headers(); } options.headers.append('accept','application/json'); options.headers.append('content-type', 'application/json'); options.headers.append('device-id','123434234'); options.headers.append('device-type','web'); options.headers.append('authorization','bearer '+window.localstorage['key']); return options; } private onend(): void { this.hideloader(); } private showloader(): void {; } private hideloader(): void { this.loaderservice.hide(); } }
import { browsermodule } '@angular/platform-browser'; import { ngmodule } '@angular/core'; import { formsmodule,reactiveformsmodule } '@angular/forms'; import { httpmodule, http, xhrbackend, requestoptions } '@angular/http'; import { materialmodule } '@angular/material'; import 'hammerjs'; import { perfectscrollbarmodule } 'angular2-perfect-scrollbar'; import { perfectscrollbarconfiginterface } 'angular2-perfect-scrollbar'; import { select2module } 'ng2-select2'; import { modalmodule } "ng2-modal"; import { customformsmodule } 'ng2-validation' import { momentmodule } 'angular2-moment'; import { appcomponent } './app.component'; import { routing } './app.routes'; import { httpfactory } "./http.factory"; import { authservice } './services/auth.service'; import { authmanager, adminrole } './authmanager'; import { appsettings } './app.settings'; import { loaderservice } './factory/loader.service'; import { globaleventservice } './factory/globalevent.service'; import { custommessageservice } './factory/message.service'; import { sharedservice } './services/shared.service'; import { staticcmsservice } './services/static.service'; import { userservice } './services/users.service'; import { teacherservice } './services/teacher.service'; import { studentservice } './services/student.service'; import { chatservice } './services/chat.service'; import { headercomponent } './component/header/header.component'; import { footercomponent } './component/footer/footer.component'; import { logincomponent } './component/login/login.component'; import { navigationcomponent } './component/navigation/navigation.component'; import { loadercomponent } './component/loader/loader.component'; import { custommessage } './component/custom_msg/message.component'; import { deletepopupcomponent } './component/delete_popup/delete_popup.component'; import { teachercomponent } './component/teacher/teacher.component'; import { viewteachercomponent } './component/teacher/view/view.component'; import { studentcomponent } './component/student/student.component'; import { viewstudentcomponent } './component/student/view/view.component'; import { chatcomponent } './component/chat/chat.component'; import { termscomponent } './component/terms/terms.component'; import { policycomponent } './component/policy/policy.component'; import { faqcomponent } './component/faq/faq.component'; import { viewfaqcomponent } './component/faq/view/view.component'; import { addfaqcomponent } './component/faq/add/add.component'; import { routerestrictedcomponent } './component/restrict/restrict.component'; import { decimaltextpipe } './pipe/decimal_text.pipe'; const perfect_scrollbar_config: perfectscrollbarconfiginterface = { suppressscrollx: true }; @ngmodule({ declarations: [ appcomponent, headercomponent, logincomponent, footercomponent, decimaltextpipe, routerestrictedcomponent, navigationcomponent, loadercomponent, custommessage, deletepopupcomponent, termscomponent, policycomponent, faqcomponent, viewfaqcomponent, addfaqcomponent, teachercomponent, viewteachercomponent, studentcomponent, viewstudentcomponent, chatcomponent ], imports: [ browsermodule, formsmodule, reactiveformsmodule, httpmodule, routing, materialmodule, materialmodule.forroot(), perfectscrollbarmodule.forroot(perfect_scrollbar_config), select2module, modalmodule, customformsmodule, momentmodule ], exports: [ loadercomponent ], providers: [ authmanager, adminrole, authservice, appsettings, sharedservice, loaderservice, custommessageservice, staticcmsservice, globaleventservice, chatservice, teacherservice, studentservice, userservice, { provide: http, usefactory: httpfactory, deps: [xhrbackend, requestoptions, loaderservice] } ], bootstrap: [appcomponent] }) export class appmodule {}
import { injectable, oninit } '@angular/core'; import { http, response, headers, requestoptions } '@angular/http'; import { router } '@angular/router' import { observable, behaviorsubject } 'rxjs/rx'; import { appsettings } '../app.settings'; import 'rxjs/add/operator/map'; import 'rxjs/add/operator/publishreplay'; @injectable() export class authservice implements oninit { private currentuserdata: any; constructor( private _http: http, private _headers: appsettings, private _router: router ){ } ngoninit(){ } isloggedin(){ if(!window.localstorage['key']){ return false; } else { return true; } } loginauth(creds){ return'login',creds).map((res:response) => res.json()).share(); } getcurrentuserdetails(){ if(!this.currentuserdata){ this.currentuserdata = this._http.get('getcurrentuserdetails').map((res:response) => res.json()); } return this.currentuserdata; } logout(){ this._http.get('logout').map((res:response) => res.json()).subscribe(data => { window.localstorage.removeitem('key'); this._router.navigatebyurl('/'); this.currentuserdata = null; }); } }
you have circular dependency : httpinterceptor
new http
service in module. authservice
needs httpinterceptor
, vice-versa.
the fact don't see real need of extending http
service in code. create wrapper myhttp
service inject http
, use this.http.get(...)
,etc instead of super.get(...)
. , inject real http
in authservice
class httpinterceptor{ constructor(http:http,auth:authservice){} } class authservice{ constructor(http:http){} }
or join classes authservice
, httpinterceptor
single one, drawback every classes have login
, logout
as said in comments, don't know how app works can't think other way moment.
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