ios - Serve mp4 file through coldfusion and play with jwplayer -

i have web application in coldfusion record videos , serve videos user.

the video working fine on android , desktop browsers giving me error "error loading media: file not played" in ios.

here jwplayer code working.

jwplayer("element").setup({   file: "/video.cfm?token=4514_129_9b2f727d-5056-a85d-6ebe3e48fc2ab9c6",   image: "path/to/image",   width: 450,   height: 360,   type: "mp4",   logo: {      file: 'path/to/logo',      link: '',      hide : true   } }); 

here video.cfm server mp4 after verification.

<cfset videofile = 'path\to\file'> <cfset fileinfo = getfileinfo(videofile)> <cfset length = fileinfo.size> <cfset start = 0> <cfset end = fileinfo.size - 1> <cfheader name="content-type" value="video/mp4"> <cfheader name="accept-ranges" value="0-#length#"> <cfheader name="content-range" value="bytes #start#-#end#/#fileinfo.size#"> <cfheader name="content-length" value="#length#"> <cfcontent file="#videofile#" type="video/mp4"> 

i have tried solution adding header. doesn't work. can me sort out problem.

i able resolve problem. ios uses partial content header run videos. rickward lovely solution: media delivery iphones , ipads. have made little changes , started working me.

here final video.cfm file.

<cfset videopath = 'path\to\mp4\file'> <cfif fileexists(videopath)>     <cfset fileinfovar = getfileinfo(videopath)>     <cfheader name="last-modified" value="#fileinfovar.lastmodified#">     <cfheader name="etag" value="#hash(videopath, 'md5')#">     <cfheader name="content-location" value="">      <cfif structkeyexists(gethttprequestdata().headers, 'range')>         <cfset rangedownload(videopath)>     <cfelse>         <cffile action="readbinary" file="#videopath#" variable="thedata">         <cfscript>             context = getpagecontext();             context.setflushoutput(false);             response = context.getresponse().getresponse();             response.setcontenttype("video/mp4");             response.setcontentlength(arraylen(thedata));              out = response.getoutputstream();             out.write(thedata);             out.flush();             out.close();         </cfscript>     </cfif> </cfif>  <cffunction name="rangedownload" returntype="void" output="yes">     <cfargument name="file" type="string" required="true" hint="path file">      <cfset var l = {}>     <cfset l.request = gethttprequestdata()>      <cffile action="readbinary" file="#arguments.file#" variable="l.thedata">      <cfset l.size = arraylen(l.thedata)>     <cfset l.length = l.size>     <cfset l.start  = 0>     <cfset l.end = l.size - 1>      <!--- we've gotten far without errors send accept range header     /* @ moment support single ranges.      * multiple ranges requires more work ensure works correctly      * , comply spesifications:      *      * multirange support annouces with:      * header('accept-ranges: bytes');      *      * multirange content must sent multipart/byteranges mediatype,      * (mediatype = mimetype)      * boundry header indicate various chunks of data.      */     --->     <cfheader name="accept-ranges" value="0-#l.length#">     <!---<cfheader name="accept-ranges" value="bytes"> --->     <!---       multipart/byteranges --->     <cfif structkeyexists(l.request.headers, 'range')>          <cfset l.c_start = l.start>         <cfset l.c_end = l.end>          <!--- extract range string --->         <cfset l.range = listgetat(l.request.headers.range, 2, '=')>         <!--- make sure client hasn't sent multibyte range --->         <cflog file="rangedownload" text="#l.range#" />         <cfif l.range contains ','>             <!--- (?) should issued here, or should first              range used? or should header ignored ,              output whole content?             --->             <cfheader statuscode = "416" statustext = "requested range not satisfiable">             <cfheader name="content-range" value="bytes #l.start#-#l.end#/#l.size#">             <!--- (?) echo info client? --->             <cfabort>         </cfif>         <!--- if range starts '-' start beginning             if not, forward file pointer             , make sure end byte if specified --->         <cfif left(l.range, 1) eq '-'>         <!--- n-number of last bytes requested --->             <cfset l.c_start = l.size - mid(l.range, 2, len(l.range))>         <cfelse>             <cfset l.rangearray = listtoarray(l.range, '-')>             <cfset l.c_start = l.rangearray[1]>             <cfif arraylen(l.rangearray) eq 2 , val(l.rangearray[2]) gt 0>                 <cfset l.c_end = l.rangearray[2]>             <cfelse>                 <cfset l.c_end = l.size>             </cfif>         </cfif>         <!---         /* check range , make sure it's treated according specs.          *          */         // end bytes can not larger l.end. --->         <cfif l.c_end gt l.end>             <cfset l.c_end = l.end>         </cfif>          <!--- validate requested range , return error if it's not correct. --->         <cfif l.c_start gt l.c_end || l.c_start gt (l.size - 1) || l.c_end gte l.size>             <cfheader statuscode = "416" statustext = "requested range not satisfiable">             <cfheader name="content-range" value="bytes #l.start#-#l.end#/#l.size#">             <!--- (?) echo info client? --->             <cfabort>         </cfif>          <cfset l.start = l.c_start>         <cfset l.end = l.c_end>         <cfset l.length = l.end - l.start + 1><!--- calculate new content length --->           <cfscript>             context = getpagecontext();             context.setflushoutput(false);             response = context.getresponse().getresponse();             response.setcontenttype("video/mp4");             response.setcontentlength(l.length);         </cfscript>         <cfheader statuscode = "206" statustext = "partial content">      </cfif>      <!--- notify client byte range we'll outputting --->     <cfheader name="content-range" value="bytes #l.start#-#l.end#/#l.size#">     <cfheader name="content-length" value="#l.length#">      <cfscript>         // start buffered download         out = response.getoutputstream();         // write portion requested         out.write(l.thedata, javacast('int', l.start), javacast('int', l.length));         out.flush();         out.close();     </cfscript> </cffunction> 


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