extjs - When you double-click on the widget is thrown -

when double-click on widget thrown:

uncaught typeerror: cannot read property 'focusable' of undefined

i have grid widget column

text:'blabala' flex: 1.8, xtype: 'widgetcolumn', dataindex: 'attachment', stopselection: false,  widget: {             xtype: 'panel',             layout: 'hbox',             padding: 5,             border: 0,             bodystyle: 'background:transparent',             flex: 1,             header: false,             items: [{                 xtype: 'panel',                 flex: 1,                 bodystyle: 'background:#d7d7d7;border-radius:16px',                 layout: 'hbox',                 items: [                      {                         xtype: 'button',                         cls: 'attach-btn-divers',                         padding: '10 0 10 5',                         textalign: 'left',                         flex: 1,                     }, {                         xtype: 'button',                         cls: 'attach-btn-divers attach-btn-divers-cancel',                         padding: '10 5 10 0',                         iconcls: 'x-fa fa-close',                         handler: 'ondetachdiver',                         width: 20,                     },                 ]             }, {                 xtype: 'combolabel',                 forceselection: true,                 store: {                     type: 'divingattachmentstore'                 },                 displayfield: 'value',                 valuefield: 'value',                 autoselect: true,                 querycaching: false,                 querymode: 'remote',                  listconfig: {                     loadmask: false                 },                 flex: 1,                 listeners: {                     specialkey: 'oneditattachment',                     focusleave: 'onfocusleaveattachment',                     beforequery: 'onbeforequeryattachment'                 }             },             ]          },         onwidgetattach: 'onwidgetattachattachment', 

when editing, combos displayed

in normal view, panel buttons displayed

if empty cell, combos displayed empty text. when click on combo, list drops error

update 29.03.2017

if edit plugin removed, there no error. reproduced: https://fiddle.sencha.com/#view/editor&fiddle/1t1v

resolved. defined empty editor widgetcolumn


and problem disappeared.


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