angular - Ionic 2 GET http://localhost:8100/search/aq?query= 404 (Not Found) -

i want make simple app http request have , issue cors in ionic 2.

firstly, have changed ionic.config.json

{   "name": "weatherapp",   "app_id": "",   "v2": true,   "typescript": true,    "proxies": [     {       "path": "/api",       "proxyurl": ""     },     {       "path":"/search",       "proxyurl": ""     }   ] } 


import {injectable, inject} '@angular/core'; import {http} '@angular/http'; import {observable} 'rxjs/observable'; import 'rxjs/rx';  @injectable() export class weatherservice {         http: any;         searchurl: any;         apikey: string;         conditionsurl: string;     static parameters(){         return [http];     }      constructor(http){         this.http = http;         console.log('service connected : )');         this.apikey = '1e4420a89011eef4';         this.conditionsurl= ''+this.apikey+'/conditions/q';         this.searchurl='http://localhost:8100/search/aq?query=';     }      getweather(city, state){         return this.http.get(this.conditionsurl+'/'+state+'/'+city+'.json')         .map(res => res.json());     }       searchcities(searchstr){         return this.http.get(this.searchurl+''+searchstr)            .map(res => res.json());     } } 


import { component } '@angular/core'; import { navcontroller } 'ionic-angular'; import { oninit } '@angular/core'; import { weatherservice } '../../services/weather.service';  @component({   selector: 'page-weather',   templateurl: 'weather.html',   providers: [weatherservice] }) export class weatherpage {     results: any;     searchstr: any;     weather: any;     state: string;     city: string;    weatherservice : weatherservice;   static parameters(){     return [[weatherservice]];   }    constructor(weatherservice) {     this.weatherservice = weatherservice; = 'istanbul';     this.state = '';     this.searchstr;;     this.results;   }    ngoninit(){     this.weatherservice.getweather(, this.state)     .subscribe(weather => {       //console.log(weather);, = weather.current_observation;     })   }    getquery(){         this.weatherservice.searchcities(this.searchstr)     .subscribe(res => {       //console.log(weather);       this.results = res.results      console.log(this.results);     })   } } 


<ion-header>   <ion-navbar>     <ion-title>weather home</ion-title>   </ion-navbar> </ion-header>  <ion-content padding class="body">   <ion-grid *ngif="weather">     <ion-row>       <ion-col width-100>         <ion-list>           <ion-item>             <ion-label fixed>enter city</ion-label>             <ion-input (keyup)="getquery()" [(ngmodel)]="searchstr" type="text"></ion-input>           </ion-item>         </ion-list>       </ion-col>     </ion-row>     <ion-row>       <ion-col width-50 offset-25>         <h2 class="location">{{weather.display_location.full}}</h2>         <div class="icon"><img src="{{weather.icon_url}}"></div>         <h3 class="desc">{{}}</h3>         <h1 class="temp">{{weather.temp_c}}&deg;</h1>       </ion-col>     </ion-row>       <ion-row>       <ion-col width-100>         <ion-list>           <ion-item>             <strong>temp: </strong>{{weather.temperature_string}}           </ion-item>           <ion-item>             <strong>relative humidity: </strong>{{weather.relative_humidity}}           </ion-item>           <ion-item>             <strong>dewpoint: </strong>{{weather.dewpoint_string}}           </ion-item>           <ion-item>             <strong>visibility: </strong>{{weather.visibility_mi}}           </ion-item>           <ion-item>             <strong>wind: </strong>{{weather.wind_mph}} mph           </ion-item>           <ion-item>             <strong>wind direction: </strong>{{weather.wind_dir}}           </ion-item>           <ion-item>             <strong>heat index: </strong>{{weather.heat_index_string}}           </ion-item>           <ion-item>             <strong>last updated: </strong>{{weather.observation_time_rfc822}}           </ion-item>         </ion-list>       </ion-col>     </ion-row>   </ion-grid> </ion-content> 

this error receive. enter image description here

i have found 1 solution - "adding proxies ionic.config.json", not able work.

i solved finally, i've installed cordova add 'cordova plugin add cordova-plugin-whitelist'. @ project index.html, i've added ''


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