decompression - Inno Setup - How to add multiple arc files to decompress? -

i using code: inno setup - how add cancel button decompressing page? (answer of martin prikryl) decompress arc file inno setup.

i want have possibility of decompress more 1 arc file install files components selection (for example). still show on overall progress bar extractions. whole possible?

this modification of answer inno setup - how add cancel button decompressing page?

prerequisities same, refer other answer.

in extractarc, call addarchive each archive want extract.

[files] source: unarc.dll; flags: dontcopy source: innocallback.dll; flags: dontcopy  [code]  type   tfreearccallback =     function(what: pansichar; int1, int2: integer; str: pansichar): integer;  function wrapfreearccallback(callback: tfreearccallback; paramcount: integer): longword;   external 'wrapcallback@files:innocallback.dll stdcall';  const   arccancelcode = -10;  function freearcextract(   callback: longword;   cmd1, cmd2, cmd3, cmd4, cmd5, cmd6, cmd7, cmd8, cmd9, cmd10: pansichar): integer;   external 'freearcextract@files:unarc.dll cdecl';  const   cp_utf8 = 65001;  function widechartomultibyte(codepage: uint; dwflags: dword;   lpwidecharstr: string; cchwidechar: integer; lpmultibytestr: ansistring;   cchmultibyte: integer; lpdefaultcharfake: integer;   lpuseddefaultcharfake: integer): integer;   external 'widechartomultibyte@kernel32.dll stdcall';  function getstringasutf8(s: string): ansistring; var   len: integer; begin   len := widechartomultibyte(cp_utf8, 0, s, length(s), result, 0, 0, 0);   setlength(result, len);   widechartomultibyte(cp_utf8, 0, s, length(s), result, len, 0, 0); end;  var   arctotalsize: integer;   arctotalextracted: integer;   arcextracted: integer;   arccancel: boolean;   arcprogresspage: toutputprogresswizardpage;  function freearccallback(awhat: pansichar; int1, int2: integer; str: pansichar): integer; var   what: string; begin   := awhat;   if = 'origsize'   begin     log(format('adding archive files total size %d mb', [int1]));     arctotalsize := arctotalsize + int1;   end     else   if = 'write'   begin     if arctotalsize > 0     begin       arcprogresspage.setprogress(arctotalextracted + int1, arctotalsize);     end;     arcextracted := int1;   end     else   begin     { pump message queue more (particularly 'read' callbacks), }     { more smooth progress bar }     if (arcextracted > 0) , (arctotalsize > 0)     begin       arcprogresspage.setprogress(arctotalextracted + arcextracted, arctotalsize);     end;   end;    if arccancel result := arccancelcode     else result := 0; end;  procedure freearccmd(cmd1, cmd2, cmd3, cmd4, cmd5, cmd6, cmd7, cmd8, cmd9, cmd10: string); var   arcresult: integer; begin   arccancel := false;   arcresult :=     freearcextract(       wrapfreearccallback(@freearccallback, 4),       getstringasutf8(cmd1), getstringasutf8(cmd2), getstringasutf8(cmd3),       getstringasutf8(cmd4), getstringasutf8(cmd5), getstringasutf8(cmd6),       getstringasutf8(cmd7), getstringasutf8(cmd8), getstringasutf8(cmd9),       getstringasutf8(cmd10));    if arccancel   begin     raiseexception('extraction cancelled');   end     else   if arcresult <> 0   begin     raiseexception(format('extraction failed code %d', [arcresult]));   end; end;  var   arcarchives: array of string;  procedure addarchive(archivepath: string); begin   setarraylength(arcarchives, getarraylength(arcarchives) + 1);    arcarchives[getarraylength(arcarchives) - 1] := archivepath;   freearccmd('l', '--', archivepath, '', '', '', '', '', '', ''); end;  procedure unpackarchives(destpath: string); var   i: integer;   archivepath: string; begin   log(format('total size of files extracted %d mb', [arctotalsize]));    arctotalextracted := 0;   := 0 getarraylength(arcarchives) - 1   begin     arcextracted := 0;     archivepath := arcarchives[i];     log(format('extracting %s', [archivepath]));     freearccmd('x', '-o+', '-dp' + destpath, '-w' + destpath, '--', archivepath,                '', '', '', '');     arctotalextracted := arctotalextracted + arcextracted;   end; end;  procedure unpackcancelbuttonclick(sender: tobject); begin   arccancel := true; end;  procedure extractarc; var   prevcancelbuttonclick: tnotifyevent; begin   arcprogresspage := createoutputprogresspage('decompression', 'decompressing archive...');   arcprogresspage.setprogress(0, 100);;   try     wizardform.cancelbutton.visible := true;     wizardform.cancelbutton.enabled := true;     prevcancelbuttonclick := wizardform.cancelbutton.onclick;     wizardform.cancelbutton.onclick := @unpackcancelbuttonclick;      try       addarchive(expandconstant('{src}\test1.arc'));       addarchive(expandconstant('{src}\test2.arc'));        log('arc extraction starting');       unpackarchives(expandconstant('{app}'));     except       msgbox(getexceptionmessage(), mberror, mb_ok);     end;       log('arc extraction done');     arcprogresspage.hide;     wizardform.cancelbutton.onclick := prevcancelbuttonclick;   end; end;  procedure curstepchanged(curstep: tsetupstep); begin   if curstep = sspostinstall   begin     extractarc;   end; end; 


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