spring - Grails 3 @Conditional from external configuration files -

in grails 3 app need define spring bean based on condition.

what have done created bean , annotate conditional

@component @conditional(mycondition.class) class mybean { 

here mycondition

import org.springframework.context.annotation.condition import org.springframework.context.annotation.conditioncontext import org.springframework.core.type.annotatedtypemetadata      class mycondition implements condition {         @override         boolean matches(conditioncontext context, annotatedtypemetadata metadata) {             return 'xxx' == context.environment.getproperty("myproperty")         }     } 

this works fine until need load value of myproperty external (in prod env config file outside of application) source.

i loading external configuration files following

class application extends grailsautoconfiguration implements environmentaware {     static void main(string[] args) {         grailsapp.run(application, args)     }      @override     void setenvironment(environment environment) {         def app = metadata.getcurrent().getapplicationname()         def grails_home = "${system.getproperty("user.home")}/.grails"             ['properties', 'groovy', 'yml'].each {                 def name = "${app}-config.${it}"                 def config = new file(grails_home , name)                 if (config.exists()) {                     resource resourceconfig = new filesystemresource(config);                     log.info("loading config {}", config.getabsolutepath())                     def properties                     switch (it) {                         case 'properties':                             properties = new properties()                             properties.load(resourceconfig.inputstream)                             break                         case 'groovy':                             properties = new configslurper(grails.util.environment.current.name).parse(resourceconfig.url)                             break                         case 'yml':                             yamlpropertiesfactorybean ypfb = new yamlpropertiesfactorybean();                             ypfb.setresources(resourceconfig);                             ypfb.afterpropertiesset();                             properties = ypfb.getobject();                             break                     }                     environment.propertysources.addfirst(new mappropertysource(name, properties))                 }             }         }     } } 

problem invoke mycondition before loading of external properties. content of external configuration files not take in consideration in mycondition.

i know can move definition of beans


and create beans after loading of properties.

so question how define beans whit @component + @conditional(mycondition.class) take external properties in consideration.


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