unity3d - how to limit CreateCell c# procedural grid generation unity -

i learning c# unity , use pointers.

i following catlikecoding hex map tutorial have modified grid own means.


my goal create pyramid of squares procedurally starting 7 * 7 grid. using prefab plane

how place limit on createcell looped function cells (x,y) coordinates not created when meet following expression

x + y > n - 1 n = grid size (for example (6,1) or (5,6) 

i have gotten far creating rhombus of planes undesired planes below ground plane.

the script follows.

public class hexgrid : monobehaviour {

public int width = 7; public int height = 7; public int length = 1;   public squarecell cellprefab; public text celllabelprefab;  squarecell[] cells;  canvas gridcanvas;  void awake () {     gridcanvas = getcomponentinchildren<canvas>();      cells = new squarecell[height * width * length];      (int z = 0 ; z < height; z++) {         (int x = 0; x < width; x++) {             (int y = 0; y < length; y++)                 createcell(x, z, y);         }     } }  void createcell(int x, int z, int y) {     vector3 position;     position.x = x * 10f ;     position.y = ((y + 1) - (x + z)) * 10f + 60f;     position.z = z * 10f ;      cell cell = instantiate<cell>(cellprefab);     cell.transform.setparent(transform, false);     cell.transform.localposition = position;      text label = instantiate<text>(celllabelprefab);     label.recttransform.setparent(gridcanvas.transform, false);     label.recttransform.anchoredposition =         new vector2(position.x, position.z);     label.text = x.tostring() + "\n" + z.tostring(); } } 

grid far image

a quick solution add if statement before part of code creates cell. in case method createcell(). if statement should have logic in code. have create 2 variables size check. example:

public int tempx; public int tempy; void awake () { gridcanvas = getcomponentinchildren<canvas>();  cells = new squarecell[height * width * length];  (int z = 0 ; z < height; z++) {     (int x = 0; x < width; x++) {         (int y = 0; y < length; y++)             {                 if (x + y < (tempx + tempy) - 1)                 {                     createcell(x, z, y);                 }             }        }    } } 


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