vb.net - How to keep VSTO Powerpoint-COM-Add-In in sync with Powerpoint application on user shape delete action -

i'm working on vb.net based vsto powerpoint-com-add-in.
i shape automation stuff , running errors when user deletes shapes reside within grouped shape.

example: create 3 rectangles - group them - delete 1 rectangle without ungrouping

when check number of groupitems in group doesn't refreshed (it should decreased number of deleted shapes, e.g. one), have still 1 or more references no longer existing shapes in application causes exceptions being thrown.
i can recognize problem looking special conditions , catching error, have ugly workaround "sync" add-in powerpoint application in case performing "ungroup.group"-command comes further downsides.

if blastselectionwasgroupchildonly andalso globals.thisaddin.application.activepresentation.hasoneshapeselected andalso         globals.thisaddin.application.activepresentation.firstselectedshape.type = microsoft.office.core.msoshapetype.msogroup         '*** vorhergehende selektion durchgehen / check last selection         while olastselection.count > 0             try                 dim sndummy single = olastselection.first.left : olastselection.remove(olastselection.first)             catch ex exception                 system.diagnostics.trace.writeline("deleted shape found!")                 '*** workaround until forced sync of add-in , powerpoint known                 globals.thisaddin.application.activepresentation.firstselectedshape.ungroup.group() : exit             end try         loop     end if 

olastselection list(of powerpoint.shape)
how can correctly sync add-in powerpoint. looked through system.runtime.interopservices couldn't done, lack of understanding it.

to clarify: happens if shape deleted group still keeps group after deletion because there 2 or more shapes remaining in group. if there 1 shape left in group ungrouped automatically , fine. me looks bug still i'm using wrong strategy.


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