Java stream - too many open files -

i have program goes few directories time time , and kind of processing files in directories.

the problem time time (each 2 or 3 days) program reaching os open files limit.

it spring-boot application running in rhel 7.

the method files this:

public file[] getfiles(string dir, int numberoffiles) throws exception {     final path basedir = paths.get(dir);     list<file> filesfrompath = new arraylist<file>();     file[] files = null;      final bipredicate<path, basicfileattributes> predicate = (path, attrs) -> attrs.isregularfile()             && string.valueof(path).endswith(".xml");      list<path> result;      try (stream<path> filestream = files.find(basedir, 1, predicate).limit(numberoffiles).onclose(() -> log.debug("closing file stream."))){         result = filestream.collect(collectors.tolist());          result.foreach(path -> {             path.tostring();             file file = path.tofile();   "adding {} process.", file.getname());             filesfrompath.add(file);         });          if (filesfrompath != null && !filesfrompath.isempty()) {             files = filesfrompath.toarray(new file[filesfrompath.size()]);         }      } catch (exception e) {         log.error("error during file opening/closing", e);     }      if (files != null) {         return files;     }      return new file[0]; } 

i using lsof command see how many opened files have, , list of directories growing.

i added log in onclise method , being called times open stream.

shouldn't try resources, close stream?


there peace of code move processed files folder. code not use stream, , couldn't found out wrong it, besides fact ugly.

public void move(file file, string archivepath) throws ioexception {     file backupfile = new file(archivepath);     if (!backupfile.exists()) {         backupfile.mkdirs();     }      path source = file.topath();     if (file.exists()) {         path target = paths.get(archivepath + file.separator + file.getname());         files.move(source, target, standardcopyoption.replace_existing);"file {} moved {}", file, archivepath);     } else {"unable move file: {} because moved {}", file, archivepath);     } } 

[edit 2]

and files being processed this:

private void processfile(file[] files) throws exception {      documentbuilderfactory dbf = documentbuilderfactory.newinstance();     documentbuilder db = dbf.newdocumentbuilder();     xpath xpathparser = xpathfactory.newinstance().newxpath();      (int = 0; < files.length; i++) {          file file = files[i];           document doc = db.parse(file);          // stuff         fileutils.move(file, processedpath);      }  } 



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