iphone - ERROR | [iOS] file patterns: The `source_files` pattern did not match any file -

i renamed existing library github, changed , things working fine apart it's not validating library - pod spec lint kjcircularslider.podspec trunk push. checked folder structure , looks perfect, can me can actual issue?
here library if want check folder structure - kjcircularslider

here podspec file.

pod::spec.new |s|   s.name             = 'kjcircularslider'   s.version          = '0.1.0'   s.summary          = 'circular slider - slide 0 100 in circular shape'  # description used generate tags , improve search results. #   * think: do? why did write it? focus? #   * try keep short, snappy , point. #   * write description between desc delimiters below. #   * finally, don't worry indent, cocoapods strips it!    s.description      = <<-desc todo: add long description of pod here. it's circular slider, provides circular shape slide around 0 100 percent, can use when required circular shape on slider rather traditional ios line shape slider.                        desc    s.homepage         = 'https://github.com/kiranjasvanee/kjcircularslider'   # s.screenshots     = 'www.example.com/screenshots_1', 'www.example.com/screenshots_2'   s.license          = { :type => 'mit', :file => 'license' }   s.author           = { 'kiran jasvanee' => 'kiran.jasvanee@yahoo.com' }   s.source           = { :git => 'https://github.com/kiranjasvanee/kjcircularslider.git', :tag => s.version.to_s }   # s.social_media_url = 'https://twitter.com/kiranjasvanee'    s.ios.deployment_target = '9.0'    s.source_files = 'classes/**/*'    # s.resource_bundles = {   #   'kjcircularslider' => ['kjcircularslider/assets/*.png']   # }    # s.public_header_files = 'pod/classes/**/*.h'   # s.frameworks = 'uikit', 'mapkit'   # s.dependency 'afnetworking', '~> 2.3' end 

i've solved issue changing version number of pod.
i've renamed kjcurveslider library kjcircularslider, because of major changes in library wouldn't able push using pod trunk push. receiving following error when tried validate using pod spec lint library.podspec, nevertheless had mention perfect path of s.source_files in podspec
- error | [ios] file patterns: thesource_filespattern did not match file.
then updated version 0.1.0 0.2.0, validated successfully


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