javascript - How to watch a child component data not coming from a parent component (Angularjs 1.5 or 1.6)? -

in following codes:

 var app = angular.module('app', [])   // navigation template app.component('onchanges', {       bindings: {         name: '<'       },       template: '<h1>{{$ctrl.greeting}}</h1><br><h2>{{origin}}</h2> ',       controller: function($scope) {         $scope.origin = 'international';         this.$onchanges = function(obj) {           if ( && {             var prefix;             ( === 'thomas') ?             prefix = 'howdy ': prefix = 'hello ';             this.greeting = prefix +;             (prefix === 'hello ' || !prefix) ? $scope.origin = 'american': $scope.origin = 'australian';           }            // if name undefined clear greeting            if (! {             this.greeting = ''           }         };          $scope.$watch('$scope.origin', function() {           console.log("i here");         })          }       }); 

modified post: use $scope.$watch monitor change of $scope.origin. wrong did do? please try plunker:

original post: problem common problem using angular 1.5 or 1.6 components, surprisingly, can not find question/answer relating this.

in case, $ctrl.origin not data parent component while $ passed child component parent component.

to understanding: $onchanges function can watch $ - data coming component external source e.g parent component.

my question: how watch change of local data of component $ctrl.origin - data not passed parent component? example might useful.

please share thoughts on how it.

here plunker:

quoting angularjs:

$onchanges(changesobj) - called whenever one-way bindings updated. changesobj hash keys names of bound properties have changed, , values object of form { currentvalue, previousvalue, isfirstchange() }. use hook trigger updates within  component such cloning bound value prevent accidental mutation  of outer value. 

so first make sure bindings one-way , bindings exist (yours doesn't in case, $onchanges won't work).

as watching variables other scopes, believe $watch capable:

$scope.$watch(   () => { // old variable value; },   '$ctrl.origin' => {     console.log('something changed on variable', variable-name, 'blah');   } ); 


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