javascript - After, events of circle is covered by polygons of Geo Json -

after load geo json file, makers , circles covered polygons , event cannot clicked. here sample codes. how should do? , there other way disable "clickable" of these polygons? thank you.;  // add circle overlay , bind marker                 var circle = new{                     map: map,                     radius: 1600, // 10 miles in metres                     fillcolor: fill_color_val,                     strokecolor: '#f5f5f5',                     strokeweight: 2,                     fillopacity: 1,                 });                  var marker = new google.maps.marker({                     position: latlng,                     title: data[i].author,                     draggable: false,                     map: map                 });                 marker.setvisible(false);                  circle.bindto('center', marker, 'position');                  var infowindow = new google.maps.infowindow({                     content: "<div>hello! world</div>",                     maxwidth: 500                 });                 google.maps.event.addlistener(circle, 'click', getinfocallback(latlng, 14)); 

use zindex other layers not cover


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