javascript - How to place marker head in the middle of the links -

i want place marker in middle of links instead of placing @ end done code.

although googled it, not able find solution code.

<!doctype html> <html>   <head>     <meta charset="utf-8">       <script src="../d3/d3.min.js"></script>   </head>    <body>       <style>           body {               background-color: #3a5795;           }    svg:not(.active):not(.ctrl) {   cursor: crosshair; } {   fill: none;   stroke:floralwhite;   stroke-width: 4px;   cursor: default; }  svg:not(.active):not(.ctrl) {   cursor: pointer; } {   stroke-dasharray: 10,2; } {   pointer-events: none; } {   stroke-width: 0; }  rect.node {   stroke-width: 1.5px;   cursor: pointer; }  rect.node.reflexive {   stroke: #000 !important;   stroke-width: 2.5px; }  text {   font: 12px sans-serif;   pointer-events: none; } {   text-anchor: middle;   font-weight: bold; }   </style>       <script type="text/javascript">           // set svg d3           var width = 1400,               height = 800,               colors = d3.scale.category10();            var svg ='body')             .append('svg')             .attr('oncontextmenu', 'return false;')             .attr('width', width)             .attr('height', height);            // set initial nodes , links           //  - nodes known 'id', not index in array.           //  - reflexive edges indicated on node (as bold black rect).           //  - links source < target; edge directions set 'left' , 'right'.           var nodes = [      {          "id": "component",          "description": "component containers",           "type":"wiring"      },      {          "id": "form design , data design",          "description": "in form design , data design can create form , data",          "type": "wiring"      },      {          "id": "data , property ",          "description": "all data has property , value associated it",           "type":"wiring"      },      {          "id": "entity query",          "description": "entity queries can used create entity relationship ",          "type": "wiring"      },      {          "id": "entity query , entity data",          "description": "entity data can used create ",          "type": "wiring"      }           ],             lastnodeid = 2,             links = [              ];            // init d3 force layout           var force = d3.layout.force()               .nodes(nodes)               .links(links)               .size([width, height])               .linkdistance(250)               .charge(-1000)               .gravity(0.05)               .on('tick', tick)         //define arrow markers graph links           svg.append('svg:defs').append('svg:marker')               .attr('id', 'end-arrow')               .attr('viewbox', '0 -5 10 10')               .attr('refx', 6)               .attr('markerwidth', 3)               .attr('markerheight', 3)               .attr('orient', 'auto')               .append('svg:path')               .attr('d', 'm0,-5l10,0l0,5')               .attr('fill', '#000');            svg.append('svg:defs').append('svg:marker')               .attr('id', 'start-arrow')               .attr('viewbox', '0 -5 10 10')               .attr('refx', 4)               .attr('markerwidth', 6)               .attr('markerheight', 5)               .attr('orient', 'auto')               .append('svg:path')               .attr('d', 'm10,-5l0,0l10,5')               .attr('fill', '#000');               // line displayed when dragging new nodes           var drag_line = svg.append('svg:path')             .attr('class', 'link dragline hidden')             .attr('d', 'm0,0l0,0');            // handles link , node element groups           var path = svg.append('svg:g').selectall('path'),                 rect = svg.append('svg:g').selectall('g');            // mouse event vars           var selected_node = null,               selected_link = null,               mousedown_link = null,               mousedown_node = null,               mouseup_node = null;             function wraptext(text, width) {               text.each(function () {                   var textel =,                       words = textel.text().split(/\s+/).reverse(),                       word,                       line = [],                       linenumber = 0,                       lineheight = 1.1, // ems                       y = textel.attr('y'),                       dx = parsefloat(textel.attr('dx') || 0),                       dy = parsefloat(textel.attr('dy') || 0),                       tspan = textel.text(null).append('tspan').attr('x', 0).attr('y', y).attr('dy', dy + 'em');                    while (word = words.pop()) {                       line.push(word);                       tspan.text(line.join(' '));                       if (tspan.node().getcomputedtextlength() > width) {                           line.pop();                           tspan.text(line.join(' '));                           line = [word];                           tspan = textel.append('tspan').attr('x', 0).attr('y', y).attr('dx', dx).attr('dy', ++linenumber * lineheight + dy + 'em').text(word);                       }                   }               });           }             function resetmousevars() {               mousedown_node = null;               mouseup_node = null;               mousedown_link = null;           }            // update force layout (called automatically each iteration)           function tick() {               // draw directed edges proper padding node centers               path.attr('d', function (d) {                   var deltax = - d.source.x,                       deltay = - d.source.y,                       dist = math.sqrt(deltax * deltax + deltay * deltay),                       normx = deltax / dist,                       normy = deltay / dist,                       sourcepadding = d.left ? 17 : 12,                       targetpadding = d.right ? 17 : 12,                       sourcex = d.source.x + (sourcepadding * normx),                       sourcey = d.source.y + (sourcepadding * normy),                       targetx = - (targetpadding * normx),                       targety = - (targetpadding * normy);                   return 'm' + sourcex + ',' + sourcey + 'l' + targetx + ',' + targety;               });                rect.attr('transform', function (d) {                   return 'translate(' + d.x + ',' + d.y + ')';               });           }            // update graph (called when needed)           function restart() {               // path (link) group               path =;                // update existing links               path.classed('selected', function (d) { return d === selected_link; })                 .style('marker-start', function (d) { return d.left ? 'url(#start-arrow)' : ''; })                 .style('marker-end', function (d) { return d.right ? 'url(#end-arrow)' : ''; });                 // add new links               path.enter().append('svg:path')                 .attr('class', 'link')                 .classed('selected', function (d) { return d === selected_link; })                 .style('marker-start', function (d) { return d.left ? 'url(#start-arrow)' : ''; })                 .style('marker-end', function (d) { return d.right ? 'url(#end-arrow)' : ''; })                 .on('mousedown', function (d) {                     if (d3.event.ctrlkey) return;                      // select link                     mousedown_link = d;                     if (mousedown_link === selected_link) selected_link = null;                     else selected_link = mousedown_link;                     selected_node = null;                     restart();                 });                // remove old links               path.exit().remove();                 // rect (node) group               // nb: function arg crucial here! nodes known id, not index!               rect =, function (d) { return; });                // update existing nodes (reflexive & selected visual states)               rect.selectall('rect')                 .style('fill', function (d) { return (d === selected_node) ? d3.rgb(colors( : colors(; })                 .classed('reflexive', function (d) { return d.reflexive; });                // add new nodes               var g = rect.enter().append('svg:g');                //g.append('svg:rect')               //  .attr('class', 'node')               //  .attr('r', 30)               g.append('svg:rect')             .attr('class', 'node')             .attr('width', 150)             .attr("height", 60)             .attr("rx", 30)             .attr("ry", 30)             .attr("x", -75)             .attr("y", -16.5)             .style('fill', function (d) { return (d === selected_node) ? d3.rgb(colors( : colors(; })                 .style('stroke', function (d) { return d3.rgb(colors(; })                 .classed('reflexive', function (d) { return d.reflexive; })                 .on('mouseover', function (d) {                     if (!mousedown_node || d === mousedown_node) return;                     // enlarge target node           'transform', 'scale(1.1)');                 })                 .on('mouseout', function (d) {                     if (!mousedown_node || d === mousedown_node) return;                     // unenlarge target node           'transform', '');                 })                 .on('mousedown', function (d) {                     if (d3.event.ctrlkey) return;                      // select node                     mousedown_node = d;                     if (mousedown_node === selected_node) selected_node = null;                     else selected_node = mousedown_node;                     selected_link = null;                      // reposition drag line                     drag_line                       .style('marker-end', 'url(#end-arrow)')                       .classed('hidden', false)                       .attr('d', 'm' + mousedown_node.x + ',' + mousedown_node.y + 'l' + mousedown_node.x + ',' + mousedown_node.y);                      restart();                 })                 .on('mouseup', function (d) {                     if (!mousedown_node) return;                      // needed ff                     drag_line                       .classed('hidden', true)                       .style('marker-end', '');                      // check drag-to-self                     mouseup_node = d;                     if (mouseup_node === mousedown_node) { resetmousevars(); return; }                      // unenlarge target node           'transform', '');                      // add link graph (update if exists)                     // nb: links strictly source < target; arrows separately specified booleans                     var source, target, direction;                     if ( < {                         source = mousedown_node;                         target = mouseup_node;                         direction = 'right';                     } else {                         source = mouseup_node;                         target = mousedown_node;                         direction = 'left';                     }                      var link;                     link = links.filter(function (l) {                         return (l.source === source && === target);                     })[0];                      if (link) {                         link[direction] = true;                     } else {                         link = { source: source, target: target, left: false, right: false };                         link[direction] = true;                         links.push(link);                     }                      // select new link                     selected_link = link;                     selected_node = null;                     restart();                 });                // show node ids               g.append('svg:text')                   .attr('x', 0)                   .attr('y', 4)                   .attr('class', 'id')                   .text(function (d) { return; })                   .call(wraptext, 100);                // remove old nodes               rect.exit().remove();                // set graph in motion               force.start();           }            function mousedown() {               // prevent i-bar on drag               //d3.event.preventdefault();                // because :active works in webkit?               svg.classed('active', true);                if (d3.event.ctrlkey || mousedown_node || mousedown_link) return;                // insert new node @ point               var point = d3.mouse(this),                   node = { id: ++lastnodeid, reflexive: false };               node.x = point[0];               node.y = point[1];               nodes.push(node);                restart();           }            function mousemove() {               if (!mousedown_node) return;                // update drag line               drag_line.attr('d', 'm' + mousedown_node.x + ',' + mousedown_node.y + 'l' + d3.mouse(this)[0] + ',' + d3.mouse(this)[1]);                restart();           }            function mouseup() {               if (mousedown_node) {                   // hide drag line                   drag_line                     .classed('hidden', true)                     .style('marker-end', '');               }                // because :active works in webkit?               svg.classed('active', false);                // clear mouse event vars               resetmousevars();           }            function splicelinksfornode(node) {               var tosplice = links.filter(function (l) {                   return (l.source === node || === node);               });      (l) {                   links.splice(links.indexof(l), 1);               });           }            // respond once per keydown           var lastkeydown = -1;            function keydown() {               //d3.event.preventdefault();                if (lastkeydown !== -1) return;               lastkeydown = d3.event.keycode;                // ctrl               if (d3.event.keycode === 17) {         ;                   svg.classed('ctrl', true);               }                if (!selected_node && !selected_link) return;               switch (d3.event.keycode) {                   case 8: // backspace                   case 46: // delete                       if (selected_node) {                           nodes.splice(nodes.indexof(selected_node), 1);                           splicelinksfornode(selected_node);                       } else if (selected_link) {                           links.splice(links.indexof(selected_link), 1);                       }                       selected_link = null;                       selected_node = null;                       restart();                       break;                   case 66: // b                       if (selected_link) {                           // set link direction both left , right                           selected_link.left = true;                           selected_link.right = true;                       }                       restart();                       break;                   case 76: // l                       if (selected_link) {                           // set link direction left                           selected_link.left = true;                           selected_link.right = false;                       }                       restart();                       break;                   case 82: // r                       if (selected_node) {                           // toggle node reflexivity                           selected_node.reflexive = !selected_node.reflexive;                       } else if (selected_link) {                           // set link direction right                           selected_link.left = false;                           selected_link.right = true;                       }                       restart();                       break;               }           }            function keyup() {               lastkeydown = -1;                // ctrl               if (d3.event.keycode === 17) {                  rect                     .on('mousedown.drag', null)                     .on('touchstart.drag', null);                   svg.classed('ctrl', false);               }           }            // app starts here           svg.on('mousedown', mousedown)             .on('mousemove', mousemove)             .on('mouseup', mouseup);              .on('keydown', keydown)             .on('keyup', keyup);           restart();    </script>   </body>  </html> 

to draw markers on mid point of links can use marker-mid works pretty marker-start , marker-end except inserts marker element @ middle.

path.enter().append('svg:path')             .style('marker-mid', function (d) { return 'url(#start-arrow)'; }) 

for demonstration purposes have used start-arrow here, may of course adjusted liking.

however, marker drawn, if there vertex @ mid point. not true code, because drawing single straight line source target defining start , end points. on other hand, having straight line comes in handy, because easy calculate mid point , split straight line 2 segements, thereby inserting new vertex @ middle. there calculations going on in tick() handler giving intermediate results assist in finding mid point:

// coordinates of mid point on line add new vertex. midx = (targetx - sourcex) / 2 + sourcex;    midy = (targety - sourcey) / 2 + sourcey;  //                                    | v --- new vertex --- v |                return 'm' + sourcex + ',' + sourcey + 'l' + midx + ',' + midy + 'l' + targetx + ',' + targety; 

have @ following code snippet working demo.

<script src=""></script>  <!doctype html>  <html>    <head>      <meta charset="utf-8">        <script src="../d3/d3.min.js"></script>    </head>      <body>        <style>            body {                background-color: #3a5795;            }        svg:not(.active):not(.ctrl) {    cursor: crosshair;  } {    fill: none;    stroke:floralwhite;    stroke-width: 4px;    cursor: default;  }    svg:not(.active):not(.ctrl) {    cursor: pointer;  } {    stroke-dasharray: 10,2;  } {    pointer-events: none;  } {    stroke-width: 0;  }    rect.node {    stroke-width: 1.5px;    cursor: pointer;  }    rect.node.reflexive {    stroke: #000 !important;    stroke-width: 2.5px;  }    text {    font: 12px sans-serif;    pointer-events: none;  } {    text-anchor: middle;    font-weight: bold;  }     </style>        <script type="text/javascript">            // set svg d3            var width = 1400,                height = 800,                colors = d3.scale.category10();              var svg ='body')              .append('svg')              .attr('oncontextmenu', 'return false;')              .attr('width', width)              .attr('height', height);              // set initial nodes , links            //  - nodes known 'id', not index in array.            //  - reflexive edges indicated on node (as bold black rect).            //  - links source < target; edge directions set 'left' , 'right'.            var nodes = [       {           "id": "component",           "description": "component containers",            "type":"wiring"       },       {           "id": "form design , data design",           "description": "in form design , data design can create form , data",           "type": "wiring"       },       {           "id": "data , property ",           "description": "all data has property , value associated it",            "type":"wiring"       },       {           "id": "entity query",           "description": "entity queries can used create entity relationship ",           "type": "wiring"       },       {           "id": "entity query , entity data",           "description": "entity data can used create ",           "type": "wiring"       }            ],              lastnodeid = 2,              links = [                ];              // init d3 force layout            var force = d3.layout.force()                .nodes(nodes)                .links(links)                .size([width, height])                .linkdistance(250)                .charge(-1000)                .gravity(0.05)                .on('tick', tick)               //define arrow markers graph links            svg.append('svg:defs').append('svg:marker')                .attr('id', 'end-arrow')                .attr('viewbox', '0 -5 10 10')                .attr('refx', 6)                .attr('markerwidth', 3)                .attr('markerheight', 3)                .attr('orient', 'auto')                .append('svg:path')                .attr('d', 'm0,-5l10,0l0,5')                .attr('fill', '#000');              svg.append('svg:defs').append('svg:marker')                .attr('id', 'start-arrow')                .attr('viewbox', '0 -5 10 10')                .attr('refx', 4)                .attr('markerwidth', 6)                .attr('markerheight', 5)                .attr('orient', 'auto')                .append('svg:path')                .attr('d', 'm10,-5l0,0l10,5')                .attr('fill', '#000');                    // line displayed when dragging new nodes            var drag_line = svg.append('svg:path')              .attr('class', 'link dragline hidden')              .attr('d', 'm0,0l0,0');              // handles link , node element groups            var path = svg.append('svg:g').selectall('path'),                    rect = svg.append('svg:g').selectall('g');              // mouse event vars            var selected_node = null,                selected_link = null,                mousedown_link = null,                mousedown_node = null,                mouseup_node = null;                function wraptext(text, width) {                text.each(function () {                    var textel =,                        words = textel.text().split(/\s+/).reverse(),                        word,                        line = [],                        linenumber = 0,                        lineheight = 1.1, // ems                        y = textel.attr('y'),                        dx = parsefloat(textel.attr('dx') || 0),                        dy = parsefloat(textel.attr('dy') || 0),                        tspan = textel.text(null).append('tspan').attr('x', 0).attr('y', y).attr('dy', dy + 'em');                      while (word = words.pop()) {                        line.push(word);                        tspan.text(line.join(' '));                        if (tspan.node().getcomputedtextlength() > width) {                            line.pop();                            tspan.text(line.join(' '));                            line = [word];                            tspan = textel.append('tspan').attr('x', 0).attr('y', y).attr('dx', dx).attr('dy', ++linenumber * lineheight + dy + 'em').text(word);                        }                    }                });            }                 function resetmousevars() {                mousedown_node = null;                mouseup_node = null;                mousedown_link = null;            }              // update force layout (called automatically each iteration)            function tick() {                  console.log(path);                // draw directed edges proper padding node centers                path.attr('d', function (d) {                    var deltax = - d.source.x,                        deltay = - d.source.y,                        dist = math.sqrt(deltax * deltax + deltay * deltay),                        normx = deltax / dist,                        normy = deltay / dist,                        sourcepadding = d.left ? 17 : 12,                        targetpadding = d.right ? 17 : 12,                        sourcex = d.source.x + (sourcepadding * normx),                        sourcey = d.source.y + (sourcepadding * normy),                        targetx = - (targetpadding * normx),                        targety = - (targetpadding * normy),                        midx = (targetx - sourcex) / 2 + sourcex,                        midy = (targety - sourcey) / 2 + sourcey;                                      return 'm' + sourcex + ',' + sourcey + 'l' + midx + ',' + midy + 'l' + targetx + ',' + targety;                });                  rect.attr('transform', function (d) {                    return 'translate(' + d.x + ',' + d.y + ')';                });            }              // update graph (called when needed)            function restart() {                // path (link) group                path =;                  // update existing links                path.classed('selected', function (d) { return d === selected_link; })                  .style('marker-start', function (d) { return d.left ? 'url(#start-arrow)' : ''; })                  .style('marker-mid', function (d) { return 'url(#start-arrow)'; })                  .style('marker-end', function (d) { return d.right ? 'url(#end-arrow)' : ''; });                    // add new links                path.enter().append('svg:path')                  .attr('class', 'link')                  .classed('selected', function (d) { return d === selected_link; })                  .style('marker-start', function (d) { return d.left ? 'url(#start-arrow)' : ''; })                  .style('marker-mid', function (d) { return 'url(#start-arrow)'; })                  .style('marker-end', function (d) { return d.right ? 'url(#end-arrow)' : ''; })                  .on('mousedown', function (d) {                      if (d3.event.ctrlkey) return;                        // select link                      mousedown_link = d;                      if (mousedown_link === selected_link) selected_link = null;                      else selected_link = mousedown_link;                      selected_node = null;                      restart();                  });                  // remove old links                path.exit().remove();                    // rect (node) group                // nb: function arg crucial here! nodes known id, not index!                rect =, function (d) { return; });                  // update existing nodes (reflexive & selected visual states)                rect.selectall('rect')                  .style('fill', function (d) { return (d === selected_node) ? d3.rgb(colors( : colors(; })                  .classed('reflexive', function (d) { return d.reflexive; });                  // add new nodes                var g = rect.enter().append('svg:g');                  //g.append('svg:rect')                //  .attr('class', 'node')                //  .attr('r', 30)                g.append('svg:rect')              .attr('class', 'node')              .attr('width', 150)              .attr("height", 60)              .attr("rx", 30)              .attr("ry", 30)              .attr("x", -75)              .attr("y", -16.5)              .style('fill', function (d) { return (d === selected_node) ? d3.rgb(colors( : colors(; })                  .style('stroke', function (d) { return d3.rgb(colors(; })                  .classed('reflexive', function (d) { return d.reflexive; })                  .on('mouseover', function (d) {                      if (!mousedown_node || d === mousedown_node) return;                      // enlarge target node            'transform', 'scale(1.1)');                  })                  .on('mouseout', function (d) {                      if (!mousedown_node || d === mousedown_node) return;                      // unenlarge target node            'transform', '');                  })                  .on('mousedown', function (d) {                      if (d3.event.ctrlkey) return;                        // select node                      mousedown_node = d;                      if (mousedown_node === selected_node) selected_node = null;                      else selected_node = mousedown_node;                      selected_link = null;                        // reposition drag line                      drag_line                        .style('marker-end', 'url(#end-arrow)')                        .classed('hidden', false)                        .attr('d', 'm' + mousedown_node.x + ',' + mousedown_node.y + 'l' + mousedown_node.x + ',' + mousedown_node.y);                        restart();                  })                  .on('mouseup', function (d) {                      if (!mousedown_node) return;                        // needed ff                      drag_line                        .classed('hidden', true)                        .style('marker-end', '');                        // check drag-to-self                      mouseup_node = d;                      if (mouseup_node === mousedown_node) { resetmousevars(); return; }                        // unenlarge target node            'transform', '');                        // add link graph (update if exists)                      // nb: links strictly source < target; arrows separately specified booleans                      var source, target, direction;                      if ( < {                          source = mousedown_node;                          target = mouseup_node;                          direction = 'right';                      } else {                          source = mouseup_node;                          target = mousedown_node;                          direction = 'left';                      }                        var link;                      link = links.filter(function (l) {                          return (l.source === source && === target);                      })[0];                        if (link) {                          link[direction] = true;                      } else {                          link = { source: source, target: target, left: false, right: false };                          link[direction] = true;                          links.push(link);                      }                        // select new link                      selected_link = link;                      selected_node = null;                      restart();                  });                  // show node ids                g.append('svg:text')                    .attr('x', 0)                    .attr('y', 4)                    .attr('class', 'id')                    .text(function (d) { return; })                    .call(wraptext, 100);                  // remove old nodes                rect.exit().remove();                  // set graph in motion                force.start();            }              function mousedown() {                // prevent i-bar on drag                //d3.event.preventdefault();                  // because :active works in webkit?                svg.classed('active', true);                  if (d3.event.ctrlkey || mousedown_node || mousedown_link) return;                  // insert new node @ point                var point = d3.mouse(this),                    node = { id: ++lastnodeid, reflexive: false };                node.x = point[0];                node.y = point[1];                nodes.push(node);                  restart();            }              function mousemove() {                if (!mousedown_node) return;                  // update drag line                drag_line.attr('d', 'm' + mousedown_node.x + ',' + mousedown_node.y + 'l' + d3.mouse(this)[0] + ',' + d3.mouse(this)[1]);                  restart();            }              function mouseup() {                if (mousedown_node) {                    // hide drag line                    drag_line                      .classed('hidden', true)                      .style('marker-end', '');                }                  // because :active works in webkit?                svg.classed('active', false);                  // clear mouse event vars                resetmousevars();            }              function splicelinksfornode(node) {                var tosplice = links.filter(function (l) {                    return (l.source === node || === node);                });       (l) {                    links.splice(links.indexof(l), 1);                });            }              // respond once per keydown            var lastkeydown = -1;              function keydown() {                //d3.event.preventdefault();                  if (lastkeydown !== -1) return;                lastkeydown = d3.event.keycode;                  // ctrl                if (d3.event.keycode === 17) {          ;                    svg.classed('ctrl', true);                }                  if (!selected_node && !selected_link) return;                switch (d3.event.keycode) {                    case 8: // backspace                    case 46: // delete                        if (selected_node) {                            nodes.splice(nodes.indexof(selected_node), 1);                            splicelinksfornode(selected_node);                        } else if (selected_link) {                            links.splice(links.indexof(selected_link), 1);                        }                        selected_link = null;                        selected_node = null;                        restart();                        break;                    case 66: // b                        if (selected_link) {                            // set link direction both left , right                            selected_link.left = true;                            selected_link.right = true;                        }                        restart();                        break;                    case 76: // l                        if (selected_link) {                            // set link direction left                            selected_link.left = true;                            selected_link.right = false;                        }                        restart();                        break;                    case 82: // r                        if (selected_node) {                            // toggle node reflexivity                            selected_node.reflexive = !selected_node.reflexive;                        } else if (selected_link) {                            // set link direction right                            selected_link.left = false;                            selected_link.right = true;                        }                        restart();                        break;                }            }              function keyup() {                lastkeydown = -1;                  // ctrl                if (d3.event.keycode === 17) {                   rect                      .on('mousedown.drag', null)                      .on('touchstart.drag', null);                    svg.classed('ctrl', false);                }            }              // app starts here            svg.on('mousedown', mousedown)              .on('mousemove', mousemove)              .on('mouseup', mouseup);                .on('keydown', keydown)              .on('keyup', keyup);            restart();        </script>    </body>    </html>


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