Powershell - Masking a line with secure string causing -

to log something, have enter username on page1, password on page2, click submit on page3. make easier wrote ps script. double checked hard-coding password, , successful.

but not wanting hard-code password used added $pass , how read it. invalid password when run script.

i wanted use get-credentials, didn't know how pass in username or password on specific pages.

i appreciate advice me in right direction towards goal.

$pass = read-host 'd\p password?' -assecurestring [runtime.interopservices.marshal]::ptrtostringauto( [runtime.interopservices.marshal]::securestringtobstr($pass)) $ie = new-object -comobject internetexplorer.application $url = 'https://website/' $ie.visible = $true $ie.navigate($url) while ($ie.busy -eq $true) {start-sleep -milliseconds 1000}  $ie.document.getelementbyid('data').value = "p0523586" $submit = $ie.document.getelementsbytagname('input') | ? {$_.type -eq "submit"} $submit.click() while ($ie.busy -eq $true) {start-sleep -milliseconds 1000}  $ie.document.getelementbyid('data').value = "$pass" $submit = $ie.document.getelementsbytagname('input') | ? {$_.type -eq "submit"} $submit.click() while ($ie.busy -eq $true) {start-sleep -milliseconds 1000}  $submit = $ie.document.getelementsbytagname('input') | ? {$_.type -eq "submit"} $submit.click() 

get-credential way go aren't storing should kept secure in script.

it's easiest assign object returned get-credentials variable:

$credentials = get-credential 

you can use $credentials.username retrieve username:

ps> $credentials.username myusername 

and $credentials.password retrieve secure password object

ps> $credentials.password system.security.securestring 

this can used other powershell commands, needs decoded (made un-secure) before can sent process cannot accept secure password objects.

to retrieve password in plain-text, can use getnetworkcredential method this:

ps> $credentials.getnetworkcredential().password mypassword 

in script add $credentials = get-credential @ start of script, , submit username/password form this:

$ie.document.getelementbyid('data').value = $credentials.username  $ie.document.getelementbyid('data').value = $credentials.getnetworkcredential().password 


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