jquery - Adding hashchange to Isotope v2 with search -

i have following code , i'm trying implement hashchange isotope v2.

i have dropdown filter , search filter , have stumbled trying implement.

do need wrap in haschange function?

$(document).ready(function(){   var angle = 0;   var qsregex;   var buttonfilter;    // old istope on /customers/ init   var $iso_grid_old = $('#iso-grid'),       filters = {};    // init isotope   var $iso_grid = $('#iso-grid').isotope({     itemselector: '.card-wrap',     layoutmode: 'fitrows',     filter: function() {         var $this = $(this);         var searchresult = qsregex ? $this.text().match( qsregex ) : true;         var buttonresult = buttonfilter ? $this.is( buttonfilter ) : true;         return searchresult && buttonresult;     },   });    // -------- filter function ----------//   $('#iso-topic-filters li.filter-link').on( 'click', function() {     buttonfilter = $(this).attr('data-filter');     console.log("clicked button",buttonfilter);     $iso_grid.isotope();   });    // ----------- search function --------//   // use value of search field filter   function searchfilter() {     qsregex = new regexp( $quicksearch.val(), 'gi' );     $iso_grid.isotope();   }    var $quicksearch = $('.quicksearch').keyup( debounce( searchfilter ) );    // function check if filters have results   var itemreveal = isotope.item.prototype.reveal;   isotope.item.prototype.reveal = function() {   itemreveal.apply( this, arguments );   jquery( this.element ).removeclass('isotope-hidden');   };   var itemhide = isotope.item.prototype.hide;   isotope.item.prototype.hide = function() {   itemhide.apply( this, arguments );   jquery( this.element ).addclass('isotope-hidden');   };    var noitemsalert = $('#msg-box');     $iso_grid.isotope( 'on', 'layoutcomplete', function() {         var numitems = $iso_grid.find('.card-wrap:not(.isotope-hidden)').length;         if (numitems == 0) {             noitemsalert.show();         } else {             noitemsalert.hide();         }     });    // ----------- reset function --------//   $('.iso-reset').on( 'click', function() {     $quicksearch.val('');     searchfilter();     buttonfilter = undefined;     qsregex = undefined;     $('#msg-box').hide();     $iso_grid.isotope();   });    // debounce filtering doesn't happen every millisecond   function debounce( fn, threshold ) {     var timeout;     return function debounced() {       if ( timeout ) {         cleartimeout( timeout );       }       function delayed() {         fn();         timeout = null;       }       settimeout( delayed, threshold || 100 );     };   }    // old isotope setup on /customers/   $('select').change(function(){     var $this = $(this);      // store filter value in object     // i.e. filters.color = 'red'     var group = $this.attr('data-filter-group');      filters[ group ] = $this.find(':selected').attr('data-filter-value');     // console.log( $this.find(':selected') )     // convert object array     var isofilters = [];     ( var prop in filters ) {       isofilters.push( filters[ prop ] )     }     console.log(filters);     var selector = isofilters.join('');     $iso_grid_old.isotope({ filter: selector });     return false;   });    // old /customers/ reset button   $('.button--reset').on( 'click', function() {     angle+=180;      // reset filters      filters = {};      $iso_grid_old.isotope({ filter: '*' });       // resets original option value      $('option').prop('selected', function() {         return this.defaultselected;       });      $(this).find('i').css({'transform': 'rotate(' + angle + 'deg)','transition': 'all ease-in-out .3s'});    }); }); 


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