android - AdMob No Live-Ads appearing -

i have made application android studio, , have finished app. added adview application, , used testad-unitid, , got test ads. on emulator , on mobile phone. worked, , had test ads running. created admob account, , added app in there, created bannner ad, had in application, , used adunitid, admob page. when ran application on phone got no ads @ all. in case matters: app isn't on play store.

i read have wait several hours, until live-ads, have been waiting on 12h, , im still not getting ads on phone.

if need it, here code:

my adview:

<     android:id="@+id/adview"     android:layout_width="wrap_content"     android:layout_height="wrap_content"     app:layout_constraintbottom_tobottomof="parent"     ads:adsize="banner"     ads:adunitid="@string/banner_ad_unit_id"     android:layout_marginbottom="16dp"     android:layout_marginleft="8dp"     app:layout_constraintleft_toleftof="parent"     android:layout_marginright="8dp"     app:layout_constraintright_torightof="parent" /> 

my oncreate method:

mobileads.initialize(getapplicationcontext(), "ca-app-pub-hiddenhiddenhide~hiddenhide");  adview ad = (adview) findviewbyid(; adrequest request = new adrequest.builder().build(); ad.loadad(request); 

you need add line builder.


so need have this:

adrequest request = new adrequest.builder()                         .addtestdevice(adrequest.device_id_emulator)                         .build(); 

if want use own mobile phone. can id in logcat needs added this:

adrequest request = new adrequest.builder()                     .addtestdevice("here goes id of phone")                     .build(); 

the reason why need because when developing can't see adds because app not placed in playstore. long isn't in playstore won't see ads. can create test-ads code provided

if go production try using code: (it wil use testdevice debugging , developing use real adds device when in production )

    adrequest adrequest = new adrequest.builder()             .build();     if (buildconfig.debug)         adrequest = new adrequest.builder()                 .addtestdevice(adrequest.device_id_emulator)                 .addtestdevice("your id goes here")                 .build(); 


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