c# - How to access a server side method from a dynamicaly generated html button by innerhtml of a div -

i want access c# method html button dynamicaly generated innerhtml of div.


using system; using system.collections.generic; using system.linq; using system.web; using system.web.ui; using system.web.ui.webcontrols;  public partial class demo2 : system.web.ui.page { private string dynamictextboxvalue; protected void page_load(object sender, eventargs e) {     if (!ispostback)     {         textpreview.innerhtml ="<input type=\"submit\" name=\"btnsubmit\" id=\"btnsubmit\" value=\"click here\" runat=\"server\" onclick=\"get_data\"/>";      }  }  public void getdata() {      response.write("clicked."); } 


i want access getdata() method html button..help.plz

we can not call server side function directly client (without registering on server, refer @fubo answer below this), if can security threat. call function browser adding raw html web page, case.

however can postback , in page_load can validate our input button call desired method.

  protected void page_load(object sender, eventargs e)         {             if (!ispostback)             {                 testdiv.innerhtml = @"<input type=""button"" id=""btnsubmit"" value = ""click here"" runat = ""server"" onclick=""__dopostback('btnsubmit','')""/> ";             }             else             {                 var eventtarget = request.form["__eventtarget"].tostring();                 if (eventtarget == "btnsubmit")                 {                     getdata();                 }             }         }          public string getdata() {             response.write("clicked.");         } 


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