c# - RX: how to pass the latest value from observable into ReactiveCommand -
i want latest value of idstream
, use in command execute
public iobservable<option<guid>> idstream { get; } idstream = documentstream.oftype<documentopened().select(x => x.document.id.some()) .merge(documentstream.oftype<documentclosed().select(x => option<guid>.none())); var savecommand = reactivecommand.create(() => save(id), canexecute);
i had tried use answer https://stackoverflow.com/a/31168822/7779560 , got this:
var savecommand = reactivecommand.create(() => { }, canexecute); savecommand.withlatestfrom(idstream, (_, id) => id) .subscribe(id => save(id));
and works, can't use isexecuting , thrownexceptions command's functionality in case (they act empty action passed execute during command creation).
execution order:
creating- command creating
event (get id value - checked it)savecommand
how can achieve it?
upd 2: need await methods inside command body (saveasync
, example).
does work you? replay retain latest value published. when command executed grab latest value, take(1) unsubscribes after because need 1 value, , pushes save;
[test] public void executeusinglastproducedvalue() { subject<string> producer = new subject<string>(); iobservable<bool> canexecute = observable.return(true); iobservable<string> idstream = producer; string savecalledwith = string.empty; func<string, task> saveasync = (id) => { savecalledwith = id; return task.delay(0); }; // idstream creating var connectedidstream = idstream .replay(1); connectedidstream .connect(); //command creating var command = reactivecommand.createfromobservable(() => { return connectedidstream .take(1) .do(async id => { await saveasync(id); }); } , canexecute); //alternate way //command creating //var command = reactivecommand.createfromobservable(() => //{ // return connectedidstream // .take(1) // .selectmany(id => saveasync(id).toobservable()); //} //, canexecute); //documentstream processes documentopened event (get id value - checked it) producer.onnext("something random"); producer.onnext("working"); //at point save still hasen't been called verifiyng it's still empty assert.areequal(string.empty, savecalledwith); //trigger execution of command command.execute(unit.default).subscribe(); //verified saved called called assert.areequal(savecalledwith, "working"); }
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