scala - FluentWait prints a lot of warning stack traces for ignored exception in the console when I upgrade Selenium from 3.0.1 to 3.1.0 -

i have following method use intensively in tests , works ok selenium 3.0.1

def waituntilvisiblebyxpath(xpath:string, timeoutinmillis:int)(implicit driver:webdriver): try[webelement] ={     val wait:fluentwait[webdriver] = new fluentwait(driver)       .withtimeout(timeoutinmillis, timeunit.milliseconds)       .pollingevery(100, timeunit.milliseconds)       .ignoring(classof[nosuchelementexception])       .withmessage(s"for element visible , enabled xpath: $xpath")     val condition:expectedcondition[webelement] = expectedconditions.elementtobeclickable(by.xpath(xpath))     try{wait.until(condition)}   } 

i've tried upgrade selenium 3.1.0 version , after noticed lot of stack traces similar 1 in console when running tests:

mar 28, 2017 1:41:49 pm findelement warning: webdriverexception thrown findelement(by.xpath: //a[text()='log out']) org.openqa.selenium.nosuchelementexception: cannot locate element using by.xpath: //a[text()='log out'] documentation on error, please visit: build info: version: '3.1.0', revision: 'b94c902', time: '2017-02-16 12:21:31 -0800' system info: host: 'positron', ip: '', 'linux', os.arch: 'amd64', os.version: '4.4.0-66-generic', java.version: '1.8.0_121' driver info: driver.version: unknown     @$findelement$0( 

so prints warning stack trace every time polls. it's not critical of course bloats console. explain how disable such warnings printed fluentwait-s , point out rationale behind such behavior?

i've set root logger level severe:


that solved problem me.


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