ruby on rails - Rubygems: Rubyzip required version >= 1.9.2 update on CentOS 6.x -

when do:

/usr/bin/gem -v  1.8.25 

when do:

gem -v  2.6.11 

i have installed rubygems 2.4.0 via rvm . have installed rubygems-1.8.25-1.el6.r.noarch.rpm via yum.

but when install tarantula gives me error:

gem::installerror: rubyzip requires ruby version >= 1.9.2. error occurred while installing rubyzip (1.0.0), , bundler cannot continue. make sure gem install rubyzip -v '1.0.0' succeeds before bundling.

then type: gem install rubyzip , latest version of ruby zip got installed manually.


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