ios - Want to transfer or copy data from one cell button to another cell label of same tableview -

cell vc---->

    @ibaction func datepickertapped(_ sender: any) {     datepickerdialog().show("datepickerdialog", donebuttontitle: "done", cancelbuttontitle: "cancel", datepickermode: .date) { (date) in         if let dt = date {             let formatter = dateformatter()             formatter.dateformat = "dd-mm-yyyy"             let result = formatter.string(from: dt)             self.buttondate.settitle("\(result)",for: .normal)         }       }    } 

parent vc---->

 let cell = tableview.dequeuereusablecell(withidentifier: "cell2", for: indexpath)as! twoprofittableviewcell      let date = date()     let formatter = dateformatter()     formatter.dateformat = ""     let result = formatter.string(from: date)      if  self.responseapi.count > 0     {         cell.chart_view.chartdescription?.text = self.responseapi["graph_data"]["axis_data"]["axisname"].stringvalue         cell.chart_view.legend.enabled=true         cell.chart_view.highlightperdragenabled = false         cell.chart_view.animate(xaxisduration: 2.0, yaxisduration: 2.0)         cell.chart_view.leftaxis.drawlabelsenabled = true         cell.chart_view.leftaxis.enabled = true         cell.chart_view.rightaxis.drawlabelsenabled = true         cell.chart_view.rightaxis.enabled = true         cell.cmlt_prft.text = " ₹ cumulative profit :- rs.\(self.responseapi["graph_data"]["stats"]["cumulativeprofit"] .stringvalue)"          cell.prft.text = " ₹ profit of \(result) :- rs.\(self.responseapi["graph_data"]["stats"]["profit"] .stringvalue)"         setchart(cell.chart_view,datapoints:block_val, values: breakeven_price_val)     }     cell.selectionstyle = .none     return cell 

here in parent cell label want copy date picker value of cell viewcontroller


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