android - Soft keyboard looses prediction after restartInput() -

i have weird, consistent bug in app standard android keyboard supports word predictions.

what i’m doing call inputmethodmanager.restartinput() after evaluated input of edittext show different ime label (i check current text textwatcher , set label ”close” when text empty , “send” when it's not). without calling restartinput() ime label change not taken on until connection otherwise renewed, e.g. closing , reopening keyboard again.

now when manually enter characters through keyboard fine expected, labels changed, key strokes accepted, good, if click on 1 of predictions on keyboard paste word, second click on prediction lost (i.e. word should pasted after called restartinput()).

"lost" means different things different keyboards, swiftkey example keeps first word underlined , replaces second word on click, while google's keyboard keeps first word, ignores second word , continues next word.

this video shows issue:

i click on “test , the”, edittext receives “test the".

has seen before? doing wrong?


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