javascript - Fullcalendar js add a filter -

i use fullcalendar.js on project , have :

$(document).ready(function () {         $('#calendar').fullcalendar({             lang: 'fr',             header: {                 left:   'prev,next today',                 center: 'title',                 right:  'today prev,next'             },             nextdaythreshold: '10:00:01',             events: {                 url: '{{ 'feed'|url_route }}'             },             timeformat: '',             eventdrop: function (event, delta, revertfunc) {                 $.ajax({                     type: 'post',                     url: '{{ 'url_sortable'|url_route({'action': 'move'}) }}',                     data: {                         database_id: event.database_id,                         movement_days: delta.get('days')                     },                     success: function (data, textstatus, jqxhr) {                         if (textstatus === 'success' && data.success === true) {                              (var propertyname in data.event) {                                 event[propertyname] = data.event[propertyname];                             }                              $('#calendar').fullcalendar('updateevent', event);                         } else {                             // on annule le deplacement                             revertfunc();                         }                     },                     error: function () {                          revertfunc();                     },                     datatype: 'json'                 });             }, 

and have form :

<form action="" id="updatestatus" method="post">     <select id="statusselect"             name="statusselect"             class="form-control">         {% key,condition in form.condition.choices %}             <option value="{{ key }}">                 {{ condition }}             </option>         {% endfor %}     </select> </form> 

the calendar works fine, want change calendar depending on value selectbox. want value select box , send in post 'feed' route. can me please how ? thx in advance


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