Redmine: Docker failures -

i want install redmine in docker. followed this tutorial. when tried postresql

docker run --name=postgresql-redmine -d \   --env='db_name=redmine_production' \   --env='db_user=redmine' --env='db_pass=password' \   --volume=/srv/docker/redmine/postgresql:/var/lib/postgresql \   sameersbn/postgresql:9.6-2  docker run --name=redmine -d \   --link=postgresql-redmine:postgresql --publish=10083:80 \   --env='redmine_port=10083' \   --volume=/srv/docker/redmine/redmine:/home/redmine/data \   sameersbn/redmine:3.3.2-1 

i got following error message:

docker: error response daemon: cannot link non running container: /postgresql-redmine /redmine/postgresql-redmine.

and when try mysql:

docker run --name=mysql-redmine -d \   --volume=/srv/docker/redmine/mysql:/var/lib/mysql \   sameersbn/mysql:latest  docker run --name=redmine -it --rm \   --env='db_adapter=mysql2' \   --env='db_host=' --env='db_name=redmine_production' \   --env='db_user=redmine' --env='db_pass=password' \   --volume=/srv/docker/redmine/redmine:/home/redmine/data \   sameersbn/redmine:3.3.2-1 

i don't error message, can't reach (not in port 3000 , not in port 10083, too)

what's missing?

edit: output of docker ps -a

container id        image                    command                  created             status                   ports               names 3b0d0631080f        sameersbn/mysql:latest   "/sbin/entrypoint...."   3 hours ago         exited (1) 3 hours ago    

output of docker logs 3b0d0631080f

standard_init_linux.go:178: exec user process caused "exec format error" 

raspberry pi has arm architecture. therefore can't use "normal" images. new topic, blog post interesting.

i suppose possible build required docker images on own taking dockerfile , replacing base image arm compatible ubuntu image (armhf/ubuntu) one.

if want give try:

  • download dockerfile
  • replace from sameersbn/ubuntu:14.04.20170123 from armhf/ubuntu
  • run docker build . in folder of edited dockerfile

this guessing, interested if works.


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