javascript - How to make google chart same size with its container -

i'm trying develop custom donut component sap businessobjects design studio using google donut chart. it's dom(document object model).

i want make donut chart responsive because of compatibility other components. this, in classic dom used bootstrap "col-md-6" div container:

google.charts.load('current', {    'packages': ['corechart']  });  google.charts.setonloadcallback(drawchart);    function drawchart() {    var data = google.visualization.arraytodatatable([      ['year', 'sales', 'expenses'],      ['2000', 1000, 400],      ['2001', 1170, 460],      ['2002', 660, 1120],      ['2003', 1030, 540],      ['2004', 1000, 400],      ['2005', 1170, 460],      ['2006', 660, 1120],      ['2007', 1030, 540],      ['2008', 1000, 400],      ['2009', 1170, 460],      ['2010', 660, 1120],      ['2011', 1030, 540]    ]);    var options = {      backgroundcolor: {        fill: 'none'      },      piehole: 0.4,      pieslicetextstyle: {        color: 'white',      },      title: 'company performance',      chartarea: {        top: 20,        width: "100%",        height: "100%"      },      legend: {        position: 'labeled',        textstyle: {          fontsize: 15,          color: '#000'        }      },      titleposition: 'out',      titletextstyle: {        color: '#000',        bold: true,        italic: true,        fontsize: 16,        position: 'centered'      }    };      var chart = new google.visualization.piechart(document.getelementbyid('chartdiv'));    chart.draw(data, options);  }  google.charts.load('current', {    'packages': ['corechart']  });  google.charts.setonloadcallback(drawchart2);    function drawchart2() {    var data = google.visualization.arraytodatatable([      ['year', 'sales', 'expenses'],      ['2000', 1000, 400],      ['2001', 1170, 460],      ['2002', 660, 1120],      ['2003', 1030, 540],      ['2004', 1000, 400],      ['2005', 1170, 460],      ['2006', 660, 1120],      ['2007', 1030, 540],      ['2008', 1000, 400],      ['2009', 1170, 460],      ['2010', 660, 1120],      ['2011', 1030, 540]    ]);    var options = {      backgroundcolor: {        fill: 'none'      },      piehole: 0.4,      pieslicetextstyle: {        color: 'white',      },      title: 'company performance',      chartarea: {        top: 20,        width: "100%",        height: "100%"      },      legend: {        position: 'labeled',        textstyle: {          fontsize: 15,          color: '#000'        }      },      titleposition: 'out',      titletextstyle: {        color: '#000',        bold: true,        italic: true,        fontsize: 16,        position: 'centered'      }    };      var chart = new google.visualization.piechart(document.getelementbyid('chartdiv2'));    chart.draw(data, options);  }      $(window).resize(function() {    drawchart();    drawchart2();  });
.chart {    width: 100%;    min-height: 450px;  }
<script src=""></script>  <script src=""></script>  <script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>  <script src="" integrity="sha384-tc5iqib027qvyjsmfhjomalkfuwvxzxupncja7l2mcwnipg9mgcd8wgnicpd7txa" crossorigin="anonymous"></script>  <html>    <head>    <link rel="stylesheet" href="">  </head>    <body>    <div class="clearfix"></div>    <div class="col-md-6">      <div id="chartdiv" class="chart"></div>    </div>    <div class="col-md-6">      <div id="chartdiv2" class="chart"></div>    </div>  </body>    </html>

but in design studio, need use component in grid layout cell. because of wrapping new divs, design broke down in design studio side. divs u see in picture, comes design studio sdk developer mode. can access them js. know div edit. both 2 photos of div hierarchy of html design , component design:

normal dom design

design studio

here snippet i'm working design studio, can't run it. me.init() method works main method.

sap.designstudio.sdk.component.subclass("com.try.donut.donut", function() {    	var me = this;  	var mydiv;  	me._width;  	me._height;    	me.drawchart = function() {  		//me.$().width();  		  		var data = google.visualization.arraytodatatable([  				[ 'year', 'sales', 'expenses' ], [ '2000', 1000, 400 ],  				[ '2001', 1170, 460 ], [ '2002', 660, 1120 ],  				[ '2003', 1030, 540 ], [ '2004', 1000, 400 ],  				[ '2005', 1170, 460 ] ]);  		var options = {  			backgroundcolor : {  				fill : 'none'  			},  			piehole : 0.4,  			pieslicetextstyle : {  				color : 'white',  			},  			title : 'company performance',  			chartarea : {  				top: "30",  				bottom: "30",  				height: "100%",  				width: "100%"  			},  			legend : {  				position : 'labeled',  				textstyle : {  					color : '#000'  				}  			},  			titleposition : 'out',  			titletextstyle : {  				color : '#000',  				bold : true,  				italic : true,  				fontsize : 16,  				position : 'centered'  			}  		};    		var chart = new google.visualization.piechart(document.getelementbyid('_chart_div'));  		chart.draw(data, options);  	};    	me.redraw = function() {  		mydiv = this.$()[0];  		  		var componentdiv =;  		componentdiv.selectall("*").remove();  		  		var wrapperdiv = componentdiv.append("div").attr("class","col-md-6");  		wrapperdiv.append("div").attr("class","chart").attr("id","_chart_div");  		  		google.charts.load('current', {'packages':['corechart']});      	google.charts.setonloadcallback(function(){       		me.drawchart();	      	});  	};  	$(window).resize(function(){  		  me.redraw();  	});  	me.init = function() {  		me.redraw();  	};    	// /////***** set - *****\\\\\\  	me.height = function(value) {  		if (value === undefined) {  			return me._height;  		} else {  			me._height = value;  			return me;  		}  	};    	me.width = function(value) {  		if (value === undefined) {  			return me._width;  		} else {  			me._width = value;  			return me;  		}  	};  });

what should new div's attribute fix problem?


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