r - Code isn't plotting level 0 of a factor in ggplot's geom_bar() -

my final plot doesn't show 0 level factor a.

header data:

month            b mayo   20           6.9 mayo   16          16.3 mayo   14          19.8 mayo   12          12.6 mayo    9          19.5 mayo    8          65.4 mayo   18          11.7 mayo   17          22.8 mayo   15          34.3 mayo   13          36.9 mayo   11          43.7 mayo   10          21.6 mayo   21          20.9 mayo    7           7.3 mayo   22          32.3 mayo   19          17.8 mayo    0          96.0 

structure of data.frame:

'data.frame':   17 obs. of  3 variables:  $ month          : chr  "mayo" "mayo" "mayo" "mayo" ...  $         : factor w/ 18 levels "0","7","8","9",..: 15 11 9 7 4 3 13 12 10 8 ...  $ b: num  6.9 16.3 19.8 12.6 19.5 65.4 11.7 22.8 34.3 36.9 ... 

my r code ggplotting:

ggplot(data,aes(x = a, y = b))  +         geom_bar(stat="identity",size=1.5,colour = "black",fill="green") 


it has been problem r code. level 0 included in month == "mayo", not month =="abril" (included in full data).

indeed, doesn't show 0 level:

ggplot(data[data$month=="abril",],aes(x = a, y = b))  +             geom_bar(stat="identity",size=1.5,colour = "black",fill="green") 


seems work me

data <- data.frame(month=rep('mayo',17),            a=factor(c(20,16,14,12,9,8,18,17,15,13,11,10,21,7,22,19,0)),            b=c(6.9,16.3,19.8,12.6,19.5,65.4,11.7,22.8,34.3,36.9,43.7,21.6,20.9,7.3,32.3,17.8,96.0),            stringsasfactors = f)  ggplot(data,aes(x = a, y = b))  +   geom_bar(stat="identity",size=1.5,colour = "black",fill="green")  str(data) 

structure of data.frame

'data.frame':   17 obs. of  3 variables:  $ month: chr  "mayo" "mayo" "mayo" "mayo" ...  $    : factor w/ 17 levels "0","7","8","9",..: 15 11 9 7 4 3 13 12 10 8 ...  $ b    : num  6.9 16.3 19.8 12.6 19.5 65.4 11.7 22.8 34.3 36.9 ... 

there's structure of data.frame.. in case posted have 18 factor levels.. 17 observations?


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