ios - Catch/guard crash earlier for [SCNSpriteKitEventHandler touchesCancelled:withEvent:]? -

can me identify why app crashing or how can better catch crash earlier know line of code causing it?

this crash log crashlytics:

#0 crashed: exc_bad_access kern_invalid_address 0x0000000000000010  crashed: 0  libobjc.a.dylib                0x188ecef70 objc_msgsend + 16 1  scenekit                       0x19a486324 -[scnspritekiteventhandler touchescancelled:withevent:] + 528 2  scenekit                       0x19a5666c8 -[scnview touchescancelled:withevent:] + 60 3  uikit                          0x1904cde04 __98-[uiapplication _cancelviewprocessingoftouches:withevent:sendingtouchescancelledtoviewsoftouches:]_block_invoke + 552 4  uikit                          0x1903c4b44 -[uiapplication _canceltouches:withevent:includinggestures:notificationblock:] + 908 5  uikit                          0x1904cdb84 -[uiapplication _cancelviewprocessingoftouches:withevent:sendingtouchescancelledtoviewsoftouches:] + 172 6  uikit                          0x1908f76ec _uigestureenvironmentcanceltouches + 628 7  uikit                          0x1908f7464 -[uigestureenvironment _canceltouches:event:] + 52 8  uikit                          0x19036c438 -[uigesturerecognizer _updategesturewithevent:buttonevent:] + 1604 9  uikit                          0x1908f6680 _uigestureenvironmentupdate + 1100 10 corefoundation                 0x18a4320c0 __cfrunloop_is_calling_out_to_an_observer_callback_function__ + 32 11 corefoundation                 0x18a42fcf0 __cfrunloopdoobservers + 372 12 corefoundation                 0x18a430180 __cfrunlooprun + 1024 13 corefoundation                 0x18a35e2b8 cfrunlooprunspecific + 444 14 graphicsservices               0x18be12198 gseventrunmodal + 180 15 uikit                          0x1903a57fc -[uiapplication _run] + 684 16 uikit                          0x1903a0534 uiapplicationmain + 208 17 activemaze                     0x1000f4b08 main (archivekeys.swift:9) 18 libdispatch.dylib              0x1893415b8 (missing) 

this crash happening in distributed apps , can't replicate when debugging "enable zombie objects" not appear helping.



the crash way removing skscene (.overlayskscene) scnview:

i setting nil, works 99% of time , works on sim not correct:

    maze3dscene.overlayskscene = nil 

i should have been removing skscene parent scnview same way remove scnnode:


hopefully helps else might make same mistake.


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