c# - DayPilot - returning a new View on EventClick -

i attempting implement daypilot lite mvc on project. i've set events , clickable(tested debug statement). looking process click , load new view, using viewmodel built id of event clicked.

public actionresult booking()     {         applicationdbcontext db = new applicationdbcontext();         int id = dpc.eventid;          if (id == null)         {             return new httpstatuscoderesult(httpstatuscode.badrequest);         }         lesson lesson = db.lessons.find(id);         if (lesson == null)         {             return httpnotfound();         }         return view(lesson);     }      class dpc : daypilotcalendar     {         public int eventid;         protected override void oninit(initargs e)         {             applicationdbcontext db = new applicationdbcontext();             events = ev in db.lessons select ev;              dataidfield = "classid";             datatextfield = "classlevel";             datastartfield = "classstartdate";             dataendfield = "classenddate";              update();         }          protected override void oneventclick(eventclickargs e)         {             //test check method firing             debug.writeline("hey clicked you");             //parse event id processing             eventid = int.parse(e.id);             //redirect booking page             redirect("schedule/booking");         }     } 

when tried code booking method, resulted in telling me dpc.eventid needs object reference. have tried making class , variable public, error persists. can't make eventclick public can't override original. i'm using redirect because if try other link fails same reason. i'm guessing it's because it's non-inherited subclass, should not still able access member attributes if have public scope?


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