dataset - Separate long and complex names in R -

say have following list of full scientific names of plant species inside dataset:

fullspeciesnames <- c("aronia melanocarpa (michx.) elliott", "cotoneaster divaricatus rehder & e. h. wilson","rosa canina l.","ranunculus montanus willd.") 

i want obtain list of simplified names, i.e first 2 elements of given name, namely:

simplespeciesnames<- c("aronia melanocarpa", "cotoneaster divaricatus", "rosa canina", "ranunculus montanus") 

how can done in r?

we can use sub match word (\\w+) followed 1 or more white space (\\s+) followed word , space, capture group, , rest of characters (.*). in replacement, use backreference of captured group (\\1)

trimws(sub("^((\\w+\\s+){2}).*", "\\1", fullspeciesnames)) 


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