ios - Alamofire -What to do when there is a wifi connection but no internet connection? -

i'm using alamofire in ios app. use bool values in viewwillappear , in appdelegate nsnotifications check if there internet connection. if there no wifi connection pop appears inform user. if there wifi connection pop disappears , works fine again. i've had no problems long wifi not working.

i @ meetup , explained me way works it looks wifi connection , not internet connection. e.g.. if have wifi router , it's plugged in router isn't connected internet alamofire view successful connection because connecting wifi although doesn't know wifi can't connect internet.

i in situation connected open network, app responded if connected internet (no pop up) couldn't connect anything. wifi signal on full. in terminal ran ping , turns out connection dead. app couldn't tell difference.

enter image description here enter image description here

how make pop appear in sitaution this?

also .case unknown for?


import foundation import alamofire  open class networkmanager {      open static var sharedmanager: networkreachabilitymanager = {          let reachabilitymanager = networkreachabilitymanager()          reachabilitymanager?.listener = { (status) in              switch status {              case .notreachable:                 print("the network not reachable")        "unsuccessful"), object: nil)              case .unknown : //???????                 print("it unknown wether network reachable")                 //i'm not sure whether put notification successful or unsuccessful???              case .reachable(.ethernetorwifi):                 print("the network reachable on wifi connection")        "successful"), object: nil)              case .reachable(.wwan):                 print("the network reachable on wwan connection")        "successful"), object: nil)             }         }          reachabilitymanager?.startlistening()         return reachabilitymanager!     }() } 


func application(_ application: uiapplication, didfinishlaunchingwithoptions launchoptions: [uiapplicationlaunchoptionskey: any]?) -> bool {          networkmanager.sharedmanager.startlistening() 


override func viewwillappear() {         super.viewwillappear()          nsnotificationcenter.defaultcenter().addobserver(self, selector: #selector(successful), name: "successful", object: nil)          nsnotificationcenter.defaultcenter().addobserver(self, selector: #selector(unsuccessful), name: "unsuccessful", object: nil)         if networkmanager.sharedmanager.isreachable == true{             self.successful()        }else{             self.unsuccessful()        }         if networkmanager.sharedmanager.isreachableonwwan == true{              self.successful()        }else{             self.unsuccessful()        }         if networkmanager.sharedmanager.isreachableonethernetorwifi == true{              self.successful()        }else{             self.unsuccessful()        } }  func successful(){     //dismiss pop }  func unsuccessful(){     //show pop }  deinit{     nsnotificationcenter.defaultcenter().removeobserver(self, name: "successful", object: nil)     nsnotificationcenter.defaultcenter().removeobserver(self, name: "unsuccessful", object: nil) } } 

you can init networkreachabilitymanagerwith host, example, google host, because default

let reachabilitymanager = alamofire.networkreachabilitymanager(host: "") 

when start listening reachability manager doing ping host. if network available can cache ssid , ping again when ssid changed.

for case .unknown better put notification unsuccessful.

example ssid (it doesn't work in simulator):

func fetchssidinfo() ->  string? {           if let interfaces = cncopysupportedinterfaces() {               in 0..<cfarraygetcount(interfaces){                   let interfacename: unsaferawpointer = cfarraygetvalueatindex(interfaces, i)                   let rec = unsafebitcast(interfacename, to: anyobject.self)                   let unsafeinterfacedata = cncopycurrentnetworkinfo("\(rec)" cfstring)                    if let unsafeinterfacedata = unsafeinterfacedata as? dictionary<anyhashable, any> {                       return unsafeinterfacedata["ssid"] as? string                   }               }           }           return nil       } 


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