c - Perl: IsAdminUser returns incorrect value -

i'm new perl. i'm using win32::isadminuser() function (can't paste code because make runnable have paste whole code). returns 0, curious why because user run member of administrators group, created little test function (c++) , run right before running isadminuser here code:

int davai() { file * fp;  fp = fopen ("c:\\tmp\\davai.txt", "a"); fprintf(fp, "shevedi davai"); fflush(fp);  handle token = null; handle duptoken = null;  if(!openprocesstoken(getcurrentprocess(), token_query | token_duplicate, &token)) {   fprintf(fp, "davai: openprocesstoken cheijva. %d\n", (int)getlasterror());   fflush(fp); }  if (duplicatetokenex(token, maximum_allowed, null, securitydelegation,                           tokenprimary, &duptoken) == 0) {   fprintf(fp, "davai: openprocesstoken duplicatetokenex. %d\n", (int)getlasterror());   fflush(fp); }  ptoken_groups pprivilegestoken = null; dword cbsize = 0;  gettokeninformation(duptoken, tokengroups, null, 0, &cbsize);  pprivilegestoken = (ptoken_groups) localalloc(lptr, cbsize);  if (gettokeninformation(duptoken, tokengroups,                               pprivilegestoken, cbsize, &cbsize) == false) {   fprintf(fp, "davai: gettokeninformation cheijva. %d\n", (int)getlasterror());   fflush(fp); }  char * gio;  (ulong = 0; < pprivilegestoken->groupcount; i++) {   if (convertsidtostringsid(pprivilegestoken->groups[i].sid, &gio) == 0)   {     fprintf(fp, "davai: convertsidtostringsid cheijva. %d\n", (int)getlasterror());     fflush(fp);   }    fprintf(fp, "value: %s\n",gio);   fflush(fp); }  localfree (gio);  return 1; } 

which opens current processes token, , lists groups user involved in. here ouput get:

shevedi davaivalue: s-1-5-21-1018819917-2920201817-244685803-513 value: s-1-1-0 value: s-1-5-21-1018819917-2920201817-244685803-1000 value: s-1-5-32-544 value: s-1-5-32-545 value: s-1-5-4 value: s-1-2-1 value: s-1-5-11 value: s-1-5-15 value: s-1-5-5-0-179095 value: s-1-2-0 value: s-1-5-64-10 value: s-1-16-12288 

which strange because s-1-5-32-544 represent administrators group. searched find if someones has similar problem, not find (i'm running windows 7). maybe can me. appreciated.

which strange because s-1-5-32-544 represent administrators group.

really win32::isadminuser() internally call checktokenmembership function sidtocheck == s-1-5-32-544 , return ismember result. but

if sid present , has se_group_enabled attribute, ismember returns true; otherwise, returns false.


even if sid present in token, system may not use sid in access check. sid may disabled or have se_group_use_for_deny_only attribute.

really if user member of admin group (s-1-5-32-544) run without elevation (under uac) s-1-5-32-544 present in token se_group_use_for_deny_only attribute only

in contrast elevated admins have sid se_group_enabled attribute

so guess run not elevated admin. win32::isadminuser() , must return false in case


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