java - JAXB unmarshalling from XmlStreamReader results in null object -

i created java procedure unmarshalling xml message "starttag" can provided start unmarshalling @ particular element within message. used xmlstreamreader make selection.

a complete copy-pastable demo of problem run below. 'xml' message need work with. unfortunately yields null car object in result, while 'xmlstripped' message yields unmarshalled result.

i isolated problem xmlns="" namespace in <response> element. when remove this, 'xml' unmarshalled.

i have no control on xml. 'xml' variable need work with. have little control on xsd/objectfactory, first course of action solution in unmarshalling procedure.

please let me know if know why fails , if have solution. thanks!

import javax.xml.bind.jaxbcontext; import javax.xml.bind.jaxbelement; import javax.xml.bind.jaxbexception; import javax.xml.bind.unmarshaller; import javax.xml.bind.annotation.*; import javax.xml.namespace.qname; import; import; import; import; import;  public class xmlstreamreaderunmarshallingtest {      private static jaxbcontext jaxbcontext;      static {         try {             jaxbcontext = jaxbcontext.newinstance(objectfactory.class);         } catch (jaxbexception e) {             e.printstacktrace();         }     }      private static string xml = "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"utf-8\"?>\n" +             "<soapenv:envelope xmlns:xsd=\"\" \n" +             "\txmlns:soapenv=\"\" \n" +             "\txmlns:xsi=\"\">\n" +             "\t<soapenv:body>\n" +             "\t\t<response xmlns=\"\">\n" +             "\t\t\t<type:serviceresponse xmlns:type=\"\">\n" +             "\t\t\t\t<body>\n" +             "\t\t\t\t\t<car>\n" +             "\t\t\t\t\t\t<brand>mitsubishi</brand>\n" +             "\t\t\t\t\t\t<color>red</color>\n" +             "\t\t\t\t\t</car>\n" +             "\t\t\t\t</body>\n" +             "\t\t\t</type:serviceresponse>\n" +             "\t\t</response>\n" +             "\t</soapenv:body>\n" +             "</soapenv:envelope>";       private static string xmlstripped = "<type:serviceresponse xmlns:type=\"\">\n" +             "\t\t\t\t<body>\n" +             "\t\t\t\t\t<car>\n" +             "\t\t\t\t\t\t<brand>mitsubishi</brand>\n" +             "\t\t\t\t\t\t<color>red</color>\n" +             "\t\t\t\t\t</car>\n" +             "\t\t\t\t</body>\n" +             "\t\t\t</type:serviceresponse>";       public static void main(string[] args) throws jaxbexception, xmlstreamexception {         readxml(xml, "serviceresponse");         readxml(xmlstripped, "serviceresponse");     }      private static void readxml(string inputxml, string startfromelement) throws jaxbexception, xmlstreamexception {          final xmlinputfactory xmlinputfactory = xmlinputfactory.newfactory();         final reader reader = new stringreader(inputxml);         final xmlstreamreader xmlstreamreader = xmlinputfactory.createxmlstreamreader(reader);         final xmlstreamreader streamreader = skiptoelement(xmlstreamreader, startfromelement);         final myserviceresponse serviceresponse = (myserviceresponse) unmarshal(streamreader);          if(serviceresponse.getbody().getcar() == null) {             system.out.println("it didn't work :-(");         } else {             system.out.println("it worked");         }     }      private static xmlstreamreader skiptoelement(final xmlstreamreader xsr, final string startatelement) throws xmlstreamexception {         while (startatelement != null && xsr.hasnext()) {   ;             if (xsr.hasname()) {                 final string name = xsr.getname().getlocalpart();                 if (name.equals(startatelement)) {                     return xsr;                 }             }         }          throw new illegalargumentexception(string.format("could not find element %s in response", startatelement));     }      private static object unmarshal(final xmlstreamreader xsr) throws jaxbexception {         final object entity = unmarshaller(jaxbcontext).unmarshal(xsr);         return (entity instanceof jaxbelement ? ((jaxbelement) entity).getvalue() : entity);     }      // create unmarshaller every time     private static unmarshaller unmarshaller(jaxbcontext context) throws jaxbexception {          return context.createunmarshaller();      } }   @xmlaccessortype(xmlaccesstype.field) @xmltype(name = "myserviceresponse", proporder = {  }) class myserviceresponse {      @xmlelement(name = "body")     protected myserviceresponse.body body;      /**      * gets value of body property.      *      * @return      *     possible object      *     {@link myserviceresponse.body }      *      */     public myserviceresponse.body getbody() {         return body;     }      /**      * sets value of body property.      *      * @param value      *     allowed object      *     {@link myserviceresponse.body }      *      */     public void setbody(myserviceresponse.body value) {         this.body = value;     }       /**      * <p>java class anonymous complex type.      *      * <p>the following schema fragment specifies expected content contained within class.      *      * <pre>      * &lt;complextype&gt;      *   &lt;complexcontent&gt;      *     &lt;restriction base="{}anytype"&gt;      *       &lt;all&gt;      *         &lt;element name="car" minoccurs="0"&gt;      *           &lt;complextype&gt;      *             &lt;complexcontent&gt;      *               &lt;restriction base="{}anytype"&gt;      *                 &lt;all&gt;      *                   &lt;element name="brand" type="{}string" minoccurs="0"/&gt;      *                   &lt;element name="color" type="{}string" minoccurs="0"/&gt;      *                 &lt;/all&gt;      *               &lt;/restriction&gt;      *             &lt;/complexcontent&gt;      *           &lt;/complextype&gt;      *         &lt;/element&gt;      *       &lt;/all&gt;      *     &lt;/restriction&gt;      *   &lt;/complexcontent&gt;      * &lt;/complextype&gt;      * </pre>      *      *      */     @xmlaccessortype(xmlaccesstype.field)     @xmltype(name = "", proporder = {      })     public static class body {          @xmlelement(name = "car")         protected car;          /**          * gets value of car property.          *          * @return          *     possible object          *     {@link }          *          */         public getcar() {             return car;         }          /**          * sets value of car property.          *          * @param value          *     allowed object          *     {@link }          *          */         public void setcar( value) {    = value;         }           /**          * <p>java class anonymous complex type.          *          * <p>the following schema fragment specifies expected content contained within class.          *          * <pre>          * &lt;complextype&gt;          *   &lt;complexcontent&gt;          *     &lt;restriction base="{}anytype"&gt;          *       &lt;all&gt;          *         &lt;element name="brand" type="{}string" minoccurs="0"/&gt;          *         &lt;element name="color" type="{}string" minoccurs="0"/&gt;          *       &lt;/all&gt;          *     &lt;/restriction&gt;          *   &lt;/complexcontent&gt;          * &lt;/complextype&gt;          * </pre>          *          *          */         @xmlaccessortype(xmlaccesstype.field)         @xmltype(name = "", proporder = {          })         public static class car {              @xmlelement(name = "brand")             protected string brand;             @xmlelement(name = "color")             protected string color;              /**              * gets value of brand property.              *              * @return              *     possible object              *     {@link string }              *              */             public string getbrand() {                 return brand;             }              /**              * sets value of brand property.              *              * @param value              *     allowed object              *     {@link string }              *              */             public void setbrand(string value) {                 this.brand = value;             }              /**              * gets value of color property.              *              * @return              *     possible object              *     {@link string }              *              */             public string getcolor() {                 return color;             }              /**              * sets value of color property.              *              * @param value              *     allowed object              *     {@link string }              *              */             public void setcolor(string value) {                 this.color = value;             }          }      }  }   @xmlregistry class objectfactory {      private final static qname _serviceresponse_qname = new qname("", "serviceresponse");      /**      * create new objectfactory can used create new instances of schema derived classes package: com.example.type      *      */     public objectfactory() {     }      /**      * create instance of {@link myserviceresponse }      *      */     public myserviceresponse createmyserviceresponse() {         return new myserviceresponse();     }      /**      * create instance of {@link myserviceresponse.body }      *      */     public myserviceresponse.body createmyserviceresponsebody() {         return new myserviceresponse.body();     }      /**      * create instance of {@link }      *      */     public createmyserviceresponsebodycar() {         return new;     }      /**      * create instance of {@link jaxbelement }{@code <}{@link myserviceresponse }{@code >}}      *      */     @xmlelementdecl(namespace = "", name = "serviceresponse")     public jaxbelement<myserviceresponse> createserviceresponse(myserviceresponse value) {         return new jaxbelement<myserviceresponse>(_serviceresponse_qname, myserviceresponse.class, null, value);     }  } 

you can set elementformdefault="qualified" model creating , adding:

@xmlschema(namespace="", elementformdefault=xmlnsform.qualified)  package mypkg;  import javax.xml.bind.annotation.*; 

this allow regular xml, not "stripped" xml, work. difference between two, besides "stripping" of outer, wrapper elements, fact original xml has default namespace set, while stripped xml not.


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