swift - Is there a way to tell if a MIDI-Device is connected via USB on iOS? -

i'm using coremidi receive messages midi-keyboard via camera connection kit on ios-devices. app pitch recognition. want following functionality automatic:

by default use microphone (already implemented), if midi-keyboard connected use instead.

it's find out how tell if usb-keyboard using default driver. ask device called "usb-midi":

private func getusbdevicereference() -> midideviceref? {     index in 0..<midigetnumberofdevices() {         let device = midigetdevice(index)         var name : unmanaged<cfstring>?         midiobjectgetstringproperty(device, kmidipropertyname, &name)         if name!.takeretainedvalue() string == "usb-midi" {             return device         }     }     return nil } 

but unfortunately there usb-keyboards use custom driver. how can tell if i'm looking @ 1 of these? standard bluetooth- , network-devices seem online. if wifi , bluetooth turned of on device (strange?).


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