google chrome extension - Event handler when site doesn't match manifest.json 'matches' -

my manifest.json contains block:

"content_scripts": [     {         "all_frames": true,         "matches": [             "*://*",             "*://*",             "*://**"         ],         "js": ["js/main.js"]         }     ], 

i need event fire (either in content js or background.js, doesn't matter) whenever user visits website not match 1 of sites in matches setting.

how done?

in background.js add listener tab load. in fetch url of current tab , match list.

chrome.tabs.onupdated.addlistener(function(tabid, info, tab) {     if (info.status == "complete") {         var url = tab.url.replace(/.*?:\/\//g, "").replace(/\/$/, ""); //removes protocol          var allowedurls = ["", "", ""];          for(var in allowedurls) {             if(allowedurls[i].indexof(url) == -1) {                 //url not match                  break;             }         }     } }); 


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