mysql - Bulk native SQL inserts from Hibernate -

i need perform batch operation inserts 10000 rows in empty mysql table. these rows come file values each column, this:

(col1,col2,col3) values ('sample','es_es','other value') (col1,col2,col3) values ('john','en_us','other value') (col1,col2,col3) values ('james','es_es','other value') ... 

so know table have put values in, , need fast possible.

first have tested doing one-by-one (calling sqlinsertraw in loop), , takes 20 seconds:

@transactional(propagation = propagation.requires_new) @override public void sqlinsertraw(string tabla, string valores) {     getentitymanager().createnativequery("insert " + tabla + " " + valores).executeupdate();     getentitymanager().flush(); } 

and secondly tested not commiting each insert, execute each query , after call .flush. takes 7 seconds:

@transactional(propagation = propagation.requires_new) @override public void sqlinsertraw(string tabla, list<string> valuelist) {     entitymanager em = getentitymanager();     (string value : valuelist) {         try {             em.createnativequery("insert " + tabla + " " + value).executeupdate();         } catch (exception e) {             throw e;         }     }     getentitymanager().flush(); } 

but found problem: there wrong rows in input file (with unescaped quotes, etc.).

(col1,col2,col3) values ('sample','es_es','other wrong'value') 

if exception thrown (javax.persistence.persistenceexception: org.hibernate.exception.sqlgrammarexception), transaction closes , loop not work... next executeupdates throw transactionrequiredexception.

is there way ommit exceptions or validate query before?

i have tested norollbackfor parameter no luck.


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