ios - If/Else based on existence of object in array? -

i want trigger else statement if there no object @ indexpath in array.

the array

let exercisesets = unsortedexercisesets.sorted { ($0.setposition < $1.setposition) } 

then use let cellsset = exercisesets[indexpath.row]

there chance, when user adding new cell, wont have exerciseset @ indexpath populate (adding new set existing array of sets) , need run else statement set blank cell rather attempting populate , crashing app.

however if use if let error:

initializer conditional binding must have optional type, not 'userexerciseset'

here whole function context if needed:

    func configure(_ cell: newexercisetableviewcell, @ indexpath: indexpath) {     if self.userexercise != nil {         print("restoring cells existing exercise")         let unsortedexercisesets = self.userexercise?.exercisesets?.allobjects as! [userexerciseset]         let exercisesets = unsortedexercisesets.sorted { ($0.setposition < $1.setposition) }          if let cellsset = exercisesets[indexpath.row] { // causes creash when user adds new set existing exercise cant populate, needs else statement add fresh cell             cell.setnumber.text = string(cellsset.setposition)             cell.repspicker.selectrow(int(cellsset.setreps), incomponent: 0, animated: true)              let localeidentifier = locale(identifier: userdefaults.standard.object(forkey: "locale") as! string)             let setweight = cellsset.setweight as! measurement<unitmass>             let formatter = massformatter()             formatter.numberformatter.locale = localeidentifier             formatter.numberformatter.maximumfractiondigits = 2              if localeidentifier.usesmetricsystem {                 let kgweight = setweight.converted(to: .kilograms)                 let finalkgweight = formatter.string(fromvalue: kgweight.value, unit: .kilogram)                 let numerickgresult = finalkgweight.trimmingcharacters(in: characterset(charactersin: "0123456789.").inverted)                 cell.userexerciseweight.text = numerickgresult             } else {                 let lbsweight = setweight.converted(to: .pounds)                 let finallbweight = formatter.string(fromvalue: lbsweight.value, unit: .pound)                 let numericlbresult = finallbweight.trimmingcharacters(in: characterset(charactersin: "0123456789.").inverted)                 cell.userexerciseweight.text = numericlbresult             }          } else {             cell.setnumber.text = string((indexpath.row) + 1)         } 

you crazy this:

if let cellset = (indexpath.row < exercisesets.count ? exercisesets[indexpath.row] : nil) {     // } 

but more straightforward do:

if indexpath.row < exercisesets.count {     let cellset = exercisesets[indexpath.row]     ... } 


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