javascript - Angular digest cycle is not run for the first time -

here jsfiddle.

in text box first time keypress symbol effecting ng-model because element(blur). how can remove symbol first keypress itself.

app.directive('format', ['$filter', function ($filter) {     return {         require: 'ngmodel',         scope: {          val : '=val'         },         link: function (scope, elem, attrs, ctrl) {              if (!ctrl) return;             ctrl.$formatters.unshift(function (a) {              if(attrs.symbol == '$')              return $filter(attrs.format)(ctrl.$modelvalue, '$')              else                 return $filter(attrs.format)(ctrl.$modelvalue)             });             elem.bind('blur', function(event) {              var = elem.val();                         var plainnumber = a.split('.').filter(function(e){                 return (e.length > 0);                         }).join('.');             var = 0;             if(isnan(parsefloat(plainnumber))){             = (attrs.symbol == '$') ? 1 : 3;             }             var num = plainnumber.substring(i, plainnumber.length).replace(/,/g,'');             if(attrs.symbol == '$')             elem.val($filter('currency')(num, attrs.symbol));             else               elem.val($filter('currency')(num));                             var n =parsefloat(num);             scope.val = number(n);             if(!scope.$$phase) {                 scope.$apply();              }             });         }     };      // controller  }]) 

when keypress symbol effecting ng-model. when give click on outside symbol not effecting ng-model. want remove symbol first keypress self

i new angularjs. please me.


when entering text box ng-model containing symbol. when click outside of textbox removing symbol , not effecting ng-model. want is, when entering value ng-model should not contain symbol.


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