jquery - solution to countdown restarting after refreshing -

please kindly me countdown code restarting refresh page. also, minutes , seconds counting @ same time

below current javascript code;

function starttimer(duration, display) {      var start = date.now(),          diff,          minutes,          seconds;      function timer() {          // number of seconds have elapsed since           // starttimer() called          diff = duration - (((date.now() - start) / 1000) | 0);            // same job parseint truncates float          minutes = (diff / 60 * 60) | 0;          seconds = (diff % 60) | 0;            minutes = minutes < 10 ? "0" + minutes : minutes;          seconds = seconds < 10 ? "0" + seconds : seconds;            display.textcontent = minutes + ":" + seconds;             if (diff <= 0) {              // add 1 second count down starts @ full duration              // example 05:00 not 04:59              start = date.now() + 1000;          }      };      // don't want wait full second before timer starts      timer();      setinterval(timer, 1000);  }    window.onload = function () {      var fiveminutes = 60 * 2,          display = document.queryselector('#time');      starttimer(fiveminutes, display);  };
<div id="time"></div>

kindly me out........ in advance

here go. it's bit messy, in hurry, have tidy ;)

i used local storage store time , when refresh checks local storage , loads time that's left accordingly.


<div id="time"></div> 


function countdown(minutes, seconds) {   var currenttime;    function twodigits(n) {     return (n <= 9 ? '0' + n : n);   }    function updatetimer() {     msleft = endtime - (+new date);     time = new date(msleft);     hours = time.getutchours();     mins = time.getutcminutes();     currenttime = (hours ? hours + ':' + twodigits(mins) : mins) + ':' + twodigits(time.getutcseconds());     localstorage.setitem('timer', currenttime);     $('#time').text(currenttime);     countdowntimer = settimeout(updatetimer, time.getutcmilliseconds() + 500);   }    endtime = (+new date) + 1000 * (60 * minutes + seconds) + 500;   updatetimer(); }  if (localstorage.getitem('timer')) {   localtime = localstorage.getitem('timer');   var minutes = parseint(localtime.substr(0, localtime.indexof(':')));   var seconds = parseint(localtime = localtime.split(':')[1]);    countdown(minutes, seconds); } else {   countdown(120, 0); } 



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