reactjs - Meteor Publish/Subscribe with users data -

i'm banging head against brick wall this. cannot seem find example works me.

this server side

meteor.publish("alluserdata", function () {     return meteor.users.find({}, {fields: {'username': 1, 'profile': 1}}); }, {is_auto: true}); 

and client

var alluserdata = meteor.subscribe("alluserdata"); tracker.autorun(function() {     if (alluserdata.ready()) {         console.log('ready');     } }); 

i 'ready' logging cannot see how iterate through returned data???

for react, can set props on component createcontainer(). e.g.

import react, {component} 'react'; import {createcontainer} 'meteor/react-meteor-data';  class foocomponent extends component {     constructor(props) {         super(props);     }      render() {         if (this.props.loading) {             return (                 <div>loading</div>             )         }          return ( {           , index) {                         return (                             <div key={index.tostring()}>                                 {user.username}                             </div>                         )                     }, this)                 }         )     } }  export default createcontainer(() => {     let handle = meteor.subscribe('alluserdata');      let users = meteor.users.find({});      let loading = !handle.ready();      return {         users,         loading     } }, foocomponent); 

i haven't tested this, if it's not right think it's @ least kinda close. forgive me if i've gotten wrong, react skills still pretty newish.


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