AngularJS ng-repeat update does not apply when object keys stay the same? -

i'm trying make minimal fancy angularjs tutorial example, , running issue after updating entire tree model (inside scope of ng-change update), template driven top-level ng-repeat not re-rendered @ all.

however, if add code $ = {} @ strategic place, starts working; display flashes instead of being nice , smooth. , it's not great example of how angularjs automatic data binding works.

what missing; , right fix?

exact code - select country dropdown - jsfiddle not work: jsfiddle works flickers:

var app = angular.module('factbook', []); app.controller('loadfact', function($scope, $http) {   $ = 'europe/uk';   $ = function safe(name) { // makes safe css class name     return name.replace(/[_\w]+/g, '_').tolowercase();   };   $scope.trunc = function trunc(text) { // truncates text 500 chars     return (text.length < 500) ? text : text.substr(0, 500) + "...";   };   $scope.update = function() { // handles country selection     // $ = {}; // uncomment force rednering; angular bug?     $http.get('' +         $ + '.json').then(function(response) {       $ =;     });   };   $scope.countries = [     {id: 'europe/uk', name: 'uk'},     {id: 'africa/eg', name: 'egypt'},     {id: 'east-n-southeast-asia/ch', name: 'china'}   ];   $scope.update(); }); 

the template driven ng-repeat:

<div ng-app="factbook" ng-controller="loadfact">   <select ng-model="country" ng-change="update()"       ng-options=" item in countries">   </select>   <div ng-repeat="(heading, section) in data"        ng-init="depth = 1"        ng-include="'recurse.template'"></div>   <!-- template nested sections heading , body parts -->   <script type="text/ng-template" id="recurse.template">     <div ng-if="section.text"          class="level{{depth}} section fact ng-class:safe(heading);">       <div class="level{{depth}} heading factname">{{heading}}</div>       <div class="level{{depth}} body factvalue">{{trunc(section.text)}}</div>     </div>     <div ng-if="!section.text"          class="level{{depth}} section ng-class:safe(heading);">       <div class="level{{depth}} heading">{{heading}}</div>       <div ng-repeat="(heading, body) in section"            ng-init="depth = depth+1; section = body;"            ng-include="'recurse.template'"            class="level{{depth-1}} body"></div>     </div>   </script> </div> 

what missing?

you changed reference of section property executing section = body; inside of ng-if directives $scope. happened in details (

  1. ng-repeat on data created $scope ng-repeat properties heading , section;
  2. template ng-include $compile'd $scope 1st step;
  3. according documentation ng-if created own $scope using inheritance , duplicated heading , section;
  4. ng-repeat inside of template executed section = body , changed reference point section property inside ngif.$scope;
  5. as section inherited property, directed displaying section property $scope, different initial $scope of parent of ngif.

this traced - add:

... <script type="text/ng-template" id="recurse.template">   {{section.background.text}} ... 

and notice section.background.text appoints proper value , changed accordingly while section.text under ngif.$scope not changed ever.

whatever update $ reference, ng-if not cares it's own section still referencing previous object not cleared garbage collector.

reccomdendation: not use recursion in templates. serialize response , create flat object displayed without need of recursion. template desired display static titles , dynamic texts. that's why have lagging rendering - did not used one-way-binding such static things section titles. some performance tips.

p.s. recursion not in template @ business logic place when manage data. ecmascript sensitive references , best practice keep templates simple - no assignments, no mutating, no business logic in templates. angular goes wild $watcher's when updating every of section many times without end.
