python - new GPU op in Tensorflow - Segmentation fault error -

i've created new op in tensorflow (tf) , registered gpu. here part of c++ file called

#include "tensorflow/core/framework/op.h" #include "tensorflow/core/framework/op_kernel.h"  using namespace tensorflow;  register_op("pixelselector")    .input("in: float32")    .input("coord: float32")    .input("stride: int16")    .output("out: float32")  class pixelselectorop : public opkernel {    public:        explicit pixelselectorop(opkernelconstruction* context) : opkernel(context) {}         void compute(opkernelcontext* context) override         {            // grab input tensor            const tensor& input_tensor = context->input(0);            const tensor& input_tensor1 = context->input(1);            const tensor& input_tensor2 = context->input(2);            ...            std::cout << "batch size: " << batch << std::endl;            std::cout << "depth size: " << depth << std::endl;            std::cout << "width size: " << width << std::endl;            std::cout << "height size: " << height << std::endl;            ...            std::cout << "num pixels " << pixels << std::endl;            std::cout << "num coord " << num_coord << std::endl;            ...        } };  register_kernel_builder(name("pixelselector").device(device_gpu), pixelselectorop); 

the file has been compiled

tf_inc=$(python -c 'import tensorflow tf; print(tf.sysconfig.get_include())') nvcc -std=c++11 -c -o pixel_selector.o -i $tf_inc -d google_cuda=1 -x cu -xcompiler -fpic g++ -std=c++11 -shared -o pixel_selector.o -i $tf_inc -fpic -lcudart -l /usr/local/cuda-8.0/lib64/ 

but when running in tf session following output:

batch size: batch size: 1111 depth size: 141 width size: 300 height size: 300 num pixels 1 num coord 3 segmentation fault (core dump created) 

which looks concurrent access. ideas?


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