Kotlin, high-order function trouble -

i have following ho function on matrixstack

inline infix fun run(block: matrixstack.() -> any): matrixstack {     push()     block()     pop()     return } 

and somewhere else, have method trying return intermediate result calculated in block()

fun getsphereorbitpos(modelmatrix: matrixstack, orbitcenter: vec3, orbitaxis: vec3, orbitradius: float, orbitalpha: float): vec3 {      modelmatrix run {          translate(orbitcenter)         rotate(orbitaxis, 360.0f * orbitalpha)          var offsetdir = orbitaxis cross vec3(0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f)         if (offsetdir.length() < 0.001f)             offsetdir = orbitaxis cross vec3(1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f)          offsetdir.normalize_()          translate(offsetdir * orbitradius)          // i'd return, top() = matrixstack.top()         return (top() * vec4(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f)).tovec3()     } } // return error 

if declare external variable

fun getsphereorbitpos(..): vec3 {      var result =  vec3()      modelmatrix run {         ..         result = (top() * vec4(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f)).tovec3() // error     } 

i following error:

expected value of type any

is there way can obtain want using matrixstack.run{ }? (because alternative manually call push(), block() , pop())

if use return inside run { } , infix function inlined, return getsphereorbitpos before pop() called, don't that.

and signature of block matrixstack.() -> any, block has return something. not using result of block inside run, change matrixstack.() -> any matrixstack.() -> unit , therefore don't expect return value block

another question is, there particular reason return this run always? if need return intermediate value , still call push() , pop(), can change function to

infix inline fun <t> run(block: matrixstack.() -> t): t {     pop()     val result = block()     push()      return result } 


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