ios - Show Category and subcategory in tableview -

i have 2 arrays: 1 categories , second subcategory. when parse category , save in first array , subcategory array, want access specific subcategories category. e.g 1 index of category array want save subcategory array that.

nsdictionary * datas = [dic valueforkey:@"data"];  for(nsarray *data in datas ){     parsesubcategorymodel * pscm = [[parsesubcategorymodel alloc]init];      pscm.zeroindex = [data objectatindex:0];     pscm.oneindex = [data objectatindex:1];     pscm.twoindex = [data objectatindex:2];     pscm.threeindex = [data objectatindex:3];      nsarray *sub1 = [ pscm.oneindex valueforkey:@"sub_categories"];// parse sub_categories here ok yaha tak     self.fetchdata  = [[nsmutablearray alloc]init];     self.subsubdata  = [[nsmutablearray alloc]init];       for(nsdictionary *subdic in sub1 ){          parsesubcategorymodel * pscm1 = [[parsesubcategorymodel alloc]init];         pscm1.id_no = [subdic valueforkey:@"_id"]; = [subdic valueforkey:@"name"];         pscm1.is_active = [subdic valueforkey:@"is_active"];         pscm1.url = [subdic valueforkey:@"url"];         pscm1.category_order = [subdic valueforkey:@"sub_category_order"];         pscm1.updated_at = [subdic valueforkey:@"updated_at"];         pscm1.created_at = [subdic valueforkey:@"created_at"];         [self.fetchdata addobject:pscm1];          nsarray *subsub1 = [subdic valueforkey:@"sub_subcategories"];//parse sub_subcategories here         for(nsdictionary *subsubdic  in subsub1 ){              parsesubcategorymodel * pscm2 = [[parsesubcategorymodel alloc]init];             pscm2.id_no = [subsubdic valueforkey:@"_id"];    = [subsubdic valueforkey:@"name"];             pscm2.is_active = [subsubdic valueforkey:@"is_active"];             pscm2.url = [subsubdic valueforkey:@"url"];             pscm2.category_order = [subsubdic valueforkey:@"sub_subcategory_order"];             pscm2.updated_at = [subsubdic valueforkey:@"updated_at"];             pscm2.created_at = [subsubdic valueforkey:@"created_at"];             [self.subsubdata insertobject:pscm2 atindex:0];             nslog(@"%@",self.subsubdata);         }     } }  

it bit easy approach solve requirement using uitableview section header , cells:

i have tried method expand , collapse of uitableview well:

@interface viewcontroller ()<uitableviewdelegate ,uitableviewdatasource> {     nsarray *categoryarray;     nsarray *subcategoryarray;     //this dictionary used add subcategory array each category using category id.      nsmutabledictionary *subcategorydict; } @end   - (nsinteger)numberofsectionsintableview:(uitableview *)tableview {     //returns number of category array section     return categoryarray.count; } 

//take nsdictionary or custom object category id pass inside our dictionary subcategory array

- (nsinteger)tableview:(uitableview *)tableview numberofrowsinsection:(nsinteger)section {      nsdictionary *data = [categoryarray objectatindex:section];     nsarray *subcategory = [subcategorydict valueforkey:[data valueforkeypath:@"_categoryid"]];      return subcategory.count; }   - (uitableviewcell *)tableview:(uitableview *)tableview cellforrowatindexpath:(nsindexpath *)indexpath {     uitableviewcell *cell = [tableview dequeuereusablecellwithidentifier:@"identifier" forindexpath:indexpath];     nsdictionary *data = [categoryarray objectatindex:indexpath.section];     nsarray *subcategory = [subcategorydict valueforkey:[data valueforkeypath:@"_categoryid"]];     nsdictionary *subcatdata = [subcategory objectatindex:indexpath.row];      cell.textlabel.text = [subcatdata valueforkey:@"values"];      return cell; } 

you can use uitableview cell customisation of header section. need create uibutton , add subview section view selection make sure have added tag value section.

- (uiview *)tableview:(uitableview *)tableview viewforheaderinsection:(nsinteger)section {     uiview *view = [[uiview alloc]initwithframe:cgrectmake(0, 0, self.view.frame.size.width, 40)];     nsdictionary *data = [categoryarray objectatindex:section];     return view;     } 

hope work per requirements.

if want use custom uitableview can below code:


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