Content cannot be null laravel -

i'm trying submit form , got error

queryexception in connection.php line 647: sqlstate[23000]: integrity constraint violation: 1048 column 'content' cannot null (sql: insert content (title, content, image, updated_at, created_at) values (home, , [], 2017-03-28 11:10:58, 2017-03-28 11:10:58))

the content should able null.

my migration table

schema::create('content', function(blueprint $table) {     $table->increments('id');     $table->string('title');     $table->text('content');     $table->string('image');     $table->timestamps(); }); 

my store method

public function store() {     $input = input::all();     $validation = validator::make($input, content::$rules);      if($validation->fails()){         return redirect()->route('content.create')             ->withinput()             ->witherrors($validation)             ->with('message', 'there validation errors');     }      if($validation->passes()){         $content = new content();          $menuid = (array) array_get($input, 'menu_id');         $content->fill($input)->save();         $content->menu()->sync($menuid);          $content = content::all();         return view('content::admin.index', compact('content'));     } } 

schema::create('content', function(blueprint $table) {     $table->increments('id');     $table->string('title')->nullable();     $table->text('content');     $table->string('image');     $table->timestamps(); }); 

just add nullable on column can null


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