ios - Video file compression in swift -
this question has answer here:
- swift - compressing video files 1 answer
- compressing video in ios 2 answers
i m recording video , converting base64 string send server.but uploading of video taking lot of time. there compression library can used swift. tried bridging ffmpeg creating lot of issue of missing files. avurlasset not working me. suggestions on how compress audio , video files.
func imagepickercontrollerdidcancel(picker: uiimagepickercontroller) { self.imagepickercontroller.dismissviewcontrolleranimated(true, completion: nil) } func imagepickercontroller(picker: uiimagepickercontroller, didfinishpickingmediawithinfo info: [string : anyobject]) { let mediatype = info[uiimagepickercontrollermediatype] as! nsstring self.imagepickercontroller.dismissviewcontrolleranimated(true) { // 3 if mediatype == kuttypemovie { guard let path = (info[uiimagepickercontrollermediaurl] as! nsurl).path else { return } if uivideoatpathiscompatiblewithsavedphotosalbum(path) { uisavevideoatpathtosavedphotosalbum(path, self, #selector(, nil) } }else{ //image let selectedimage = info[uiimagepickercontrolleroriginalimage] as! uiimage let imagedata:nsdata = uiimagejpegrepresentation(selectedimage,0.5)! var strbase64:string = imagedata.base64encodedstringwithoptions(.encodingendlinewithlinefeed) strbase64 = strbase64.stringbyreplacingoccurrencesofstring("+", withstring: "%2b") self.uploadgallerydatainserver("1", ext: "jpeg", content: strbase64) } } } func video(videopath: nsstring, didfinishsavingwitherror error: nserror?, contextinfo info: anyobject) { if let _ = error { }else{ print("videopath = \(videopath)") let data = nsdata(contentsoffile: videopath string) var strbase64:string = nsdata(contentsoffile: videopath string)!.base64encodedstringwithoptions(.encodingendlinewithlinefeed) strbase64 = strbase64.stringbyreplacingoccurrencesofstring("+", withstring: "%2b") self.uploadgallerydatainserver("2", ext: ".mp4", content: strbase64) } }
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